We killed your father - I'm heartbroken


Active Member
Ummm... there is a HUGE difference between your normal everyday black man, and the towelhead that just tried taking your melon off your shoulders.

Your logic fails on that one.

Any "vet" who answered as I did has actually been to war, while you sit here and "guess" what they should say and shouldn't say, should do and shouldn't do... how about you sign up for service and volunteer to go to Iraq, see how it is after your squaddies get blown by a trap and you watch their limbs fly off, and the nice little puff of red where their bodies used to be. I bet you will love the towelheads as much as I do after you see what they do, and yes, even to their own kind!

With 3 bullets in his chest, I am almost positive I would be doing him a substantial favor by ending his life quickly, instead of bleeding out because we all know healthcare in Iraq is about like healthcare in the Congo.

The difference between the two is this, the guy with 3 bullet wounds, if left alone, will most likely die... however if not, he will come back only with more hate to exact his vengeance on "zee infidel".

The prisoner of war was smart, he'll be taken into custody, 3 hots and a cot, chillin' with his towelheaded friends, and then eventually, returned to his native homeland to plot and plan another attack in the name of all that is Allah.

There's a saying I love, it's "Kill'em all and let God sort'em out", which is exactly what I think we should do to any combatant against Allied forces in this war we are in.

You cannot "rehabilitate" a terrorist, you cannot make him like you, so why on earth would you want his kind to survive? So that he may come and blow up another subway station in your country, how about a schoolhouse full of kids? How far are you willing to let them go before you finally realize what is right and start supporting our mission.

Yeah... another failed attempt at saying something useful.

You should just give up now, maybe raise the white flag?

Shit, those guys loved it... being a Gladiator was a thing of honor... those were REAL men, no time for terrorist loving pussies in those days.

Aww, innocents being killed? In war?! No way!!!! Well, I guess perhaps the innocents should rise up against those that are doing most of the killing of innocents (suicide bombers, not any Allied military force) and stop them! Oh wait, nevermind... all they do is sit inside their homes and watch our guys get blown up, screw'em... they should've never let themselves be taken over the way they were, forced to do shite work for terrorists in exchange for their lives and the lives of their families... have you even talked to any REAL Iraqi's? My guess is no because if you had, you would not say near the amount of idiotic things you say.

I am a worldly person, American education sucks, and most Americans know absolutely nothing about the world except that their country is "The best"... I have traveled many places to enlighten myself of the reality outside our borders, a thing which I seriously doubt you have ever tried doing, just by the way you talk it seems as if you've never even been out of your own country! What would you know of true terrorism? The shit you don't hear on the media because locals won't talk about it to just any dumb gringo. Until you've walked through villages that were prior terrorist hideouts, and talked to the people in that village, your opinion is pretty much nil.

As for the gladiator games, they sure cut down on crime, and as I said wayyy up there, it was a thing of honor to be in such a position... you could learn a lot from those men.

LOL bongsmilie
No point in arguing with you anymore - you're too thick skinned.

I guess having gladiator fights with grizzly bears must be as good as gunning down "towel heads".

Fuck me, you're ignorant.



Well-Known Member
No point in arguing with you anymore - you're too thick skinned.

I guess having gladiator fights with grizzly bears must be as good as gunning down "towel heads".

Fuck me, you're ignorant.

Finally some logic, it is futile to continue because unfortunately, we could go back and forth for days on who is the ignorant one, and yes, your views may work on another planet, but they do not, and never will work here on Earth.

It is time you face that fact, understand how shit really happens, and accept it, as it is the way war has always been, and always will be.

If you can't handle it, as it is obvious that you can't... don't watch it, don't read about it... don't subject yourself to the things that happen in war.

And here, a song to help you take in what you have just learned from this thread... great for deep thinking.



Well-Known Member
Blood 4 oil, its gonna be funny when technology makes oil obsolete...it's already here, just taking a while to catch on because of all the gullible puppets. America makes yet another enemy, know what happens to bullys?
..........Gimme your lunch money, chump! :fire:


Well-Known Member
I drive a Dodge ram with a hemi that gets 12 miles to the gallon and I love it! Whatever we gota do to keep me going then so be it! uuuhahahahahahahahah!



Well-Known Member
Yes and what do think fulled those attack jets? uuuahahahahahhaha! Always remember if you run out of gas tho not ideal, you can fuel up with eggs.


Active Member
lol i looked at the post i was gona write something but then i looked at the last post i am not going to take the time to see how it went from casualties of war to Dodge ram and coca cola.

all i will say is unless you go trough what those solders go trough then don't judge, i'm not saying what they did was wrong or right. but when your trained to kill for a living, to stop thinking and act on training and instinct then, i gotta say shit happens.

when you see people you been living next to for a few years die and you blame yourself cause you didn't act fast enough. people you call brothers and sister. people who have been there for you.

imagine your mom died cause you didn't shoot somebody quick enough. would you take the time to think when you brother, sister or father were on the line?

who are we to judge?????


New Member
Good post Max ...seriously . :clap: Exactly right. This isn't a football game and you can't watch replay and then decide what was the correct call.

I want to apologize for ESTES making a mockery of this thread in advance.


Well-Known Member
Formal apology from ESTES himself. Just trying to lighten the mood CRACKERJAX. I'm going to trade in my dodge for a Vespa right now.


New Member
I'm just joshing.... go run down some enviro's with that dually ... they make the kewlest screams right before impact.


Well-Known Member
Hey remember we had levels under our name and activity bars on the old riu? Is that gone because I was a level 12 magi elf with invisibility and now it's as if I'm a peasant. Am I a nerd now? My spells don't seem to work anymore. Shucks!


Active Member
so the US soldiers are terrorists then?
As hard as it may be to admit, it is true, our soldiers are terrorizing innocent Iraqis, killing them in cold blood. I would have to say they are terrorists right now. Terrorists occupying a foreign country for no reason.


Well-Known Member
Oh there's reason. You have the right to disagree with the reason but we don't spend that kind of money on war for no reason.


Active Member
Oh there's reason. You have the right to disagree with the reason but we don't spend that kind of money on war for no reason.
Name 5 things we have gained from this war and back your claims up with evidence. You will find more bad than good my friend. No reason to stay is maybe how I should have worded it.