We the Sheeple do not believe in any conspiracies, those conspiracy people are crazy.

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I think we are beyond debate, check out a documentary called "A history or revision", its eleven hours long but is fucking incredible. They dissect everything from the Kennedy assassination to political campaign trails.

You call people names and act as though you know it all. Only a fool or an idiot out of hand denies any possibilities without merit or call persons who present theories idiots and paranoids.
I personally consider persons like you to be the real enemies of freedom. You would have out of hand and without merit denied each of these conspiracies I presented as machinations of Idiots and paranoids. You even act a though there is some deniability even after these conspiracies have been proven to be true and factual. I say you are blind and a tool. An enemy to freedom and liberty just as those who called the truth seekers who proved these conspiraciers to be fact. Gary Webb was vilified by persons like you. Persons who called him paranoid and destroyed his carreer because they were too ignorant and blind to consider the possibilities of his story.

Got that off your chest, did ya?

My point was that there is real nefarious shit that goes on at the intersection of economic and political power, but that by chasing dragons like the '9/11 truth', barack obama's 'true' religion and place of birth or how the UN wants to take away your .45, the conspiracy dummies miss the very real conspiracies that ARE going on. I'm sure there are a more than a few idiots who don't believe barack obama isn't a US citizen but wholeheartedly supported the iraq invasion based on a pack of lies. Are they sheeple?

Had you been around at the time, you would probably have missed all the 'conspiracies' you list because you would have been too obsessed with how freemasons, jews and communists are infiltrating our society, culture and government. Paranoia and ridiculous conspiracy theory has been a staple of US politics and there has never been a shortage of dummies who buy into it.....these are, in my view, the sheeple. There's an article about this from back in the 70s called 'the paranoid style in american politics'....might be a worthwhile read for you, friend.

I'm happy to have this discussion with you, but don't be an asshole about it and get this thread closed. It's actually a pretty decent discussion all things considered....'enemy of freedom' was pretty funny though, I have to admit.
you always forget to mention the gore pictures and repeated warnings. it's always the big mean mod. and yet another conspiracy begins, ..... :roll:
I never saw the pictures, I have been to war, I have seen worse than any picture could ever show. Besides no one was given repeated warnings on the very subject, they were just banned.
there is a difference in a generalized statement and naming names. do you need me to explain it?

Those people who believe that 911 happened just like the gubbermint report says it did, and Kennedy was shot by a lone gunman as was MLK and Robert Kennedy are wholly dumber than a box of nails.

Anyone who thinks that Big Steel Buildings just disintegrated from normal fire have the IQ of a Gnat and should probably just be shot in the head so as to not dirty up the gene pool.

Brain dead losers are how I label those people who cannot see how the Federal Reserve has screwed this country up with fractional reserve banking and unpayable interest.

Panty sniffing pedophiles belong in the TSA so they can search you for inappropriate underwear before you get on that airplane to Grandma's.

Abe, you are a wonderful person, unfortunately people like you are the most fucked up, racist, uneducated, blind, baby killers I have ever had the displeasure of posting with.

See how that works, I just insulted alot of folks there, but not directly so its ok right? right? Don't you just love generalized statements?

Anyway, there HAS to be some truth to every conspiracy theory and to just dismiss it all offhand is only going to cause problems later on. Putting the "Crazy, paranoid" label on those people who perhaps think there is something going on does injustice to us all.
Those people who believe that 911 happened just like the gubbermint report says it did, and Kennedy was shot by a lone gunman as was MLK and Robert Kennedy are wholly dumber than a box of nails.

Anyone who thinks that Big Steel Buildings just disintegrated from normal fire have the IQ of a Gnat and should probably just be shot in the head so as to not dirty up the gene pool.

Brain dead losers are how I label those people who cannot see how the Federal Reserve has screwed this country up with fractional reserve banking and unpayable interest.

Panty sniffing pedophiles belong in the TSA so they can search you for inappropriate underwear before you get on that airplane to Grandma's.

Abe, you are a wonderful person, unfortunately people like you are the most fucked up, racist, uneducated, blind, baby killers I have ever had the displeasure of posting with.

See how that works, I just insulted alot of folks there, but not directly so its ok right? right? Don't you just love generalized statements?

Anyway, there HAS to be some truth to every conspiracy theory and to just dismiss it all offhand is only going to cause problems later on. Putting the "Crazy, paranoid" label on those people who perhaps think there is something going on does injustice to us all.

oops, you named names.

this is the kind of stuff i have to deal with. :roll:

this was his THIRD INFRACTION as well. got him banned for 10 days. :(
Seriously? He was making a point....not being insulting. And thank you, nodrama.....you're a wonderful person too.
this guy is bitter. watch him.


if you fucked off already. Or maybe contributed something, like oh i dont know, a constructively thought out criticism. Or you could even say something Positive like..

"Hey, good luck in your pursuit of truth and justice."

then maybe he wouldnt be calling you dickless.

All you have been doing in this thread, and any other thread like it, has been discrediting anybody you disagree with and then inciting hate throughout the whole convo. You present NO/ZERO/ZILCH/NONE/NOTHING counter-evidence nor do you make any attempt. Oh, and don't you forget about threatening to kick people off of this website for standing up for their beliefs when turd-munchers bring unecessary conflict.

if you fucked off already. Or maybe contributed something, like oh i dont know, a constructively thought out criticism. Or you could even say something Positive like..

"Hey, good luck in your pursuit of truth and justice."

then maybe he wouldnt be calling you dickless.

All you have been doing in this thread, and any other thread like it, has been discrediting anybody you disagree with and then inciting hate throughout the whole convo. You present NO/ZERO/ZILCH/NONE/NOTHING counter-evidence nor do you make any attempt. Oh, and don't you forget about threatening to kick people off of this website for standing up for their beliefs when turd-munchers bring unecessary conflict.

i really don't have an opinion on any of this. i'm just here to mod.
whenever people try to hold Reagan up as a conservative icon who is beyond reproach, i simply remind them that he sold missiles to iran so the CIA could begin importing cocaine in to the US to fund a 'secret' war in central america.
becasue the shit happened, it's on paper.
Got that off your chest, did ya?

My point was that there is real nefarious shit that goes on at the intersection of economic and political power, but that by chasing dragons like the '9/11 truth', barack obama's 'true' religion and place of birth or how the UN wants to take away your .45, the conspiracy dummies miss the very real conspiracies that ARE going on. I'm sure there are a more than a few idiots who don't believe barack obama isn't a US citizen but wholeheartedly supported the iraq invasion based on a pack of lies. Are they sheeple?

Had you been around at the time, you would probably have missed all the 'conspiracies' you list because you would have been too obsessed with how freemasons, jews and communists are infiltrating our society, culture and government. Paranoia and ridiculous conspiracy theory has been a staple of US politics and there has never been a shortage of dummies who buy into it.....these are, in my view, the sheeple. There's an article about this from back in the 70s called 'the paranoid style in american politics'....might be a worthwhile read for you, friend.

I'm happy to have this discussion with you, but don't be an asshole about it and get this thread closed. It's actually a pretty decent discussion all things considered....'enemy of freedom' was pretty funny though, I have to admit.
That is a really good point. And I think that it is lost on people.

If you look at what was going on that allowed the horrors of Tusakgee to happen and to persist for so long, it may well be due to the fact that people were distracted with all the other red paranoia happening.

And seriously, if there is some NWO and the Fed and our government, and the other wealthiest people are all in it, and they are doing everything to control our lives, wouldn't that mean that they had already won? Why would they need a plane to bring down a building on 9/11 and not just have us do it? It just doesn't make any sense, if they already have all the power then they wouldn't need to trick us.

Much more likely is that there is no conspiracy. And it is just the same fucked up shit we have done as individuals to each other for the last 10,000 years or so.

ps. I would like to say that I really don't care if someone comes after me with 'name calling' or whatever. I get that it may not matter FDD, but I really don't care so if possible I would like you not to ban anyone on something they have said to/about me.
So what qualifies me as a sheeple? The fact that I spend much of my spare time fishing, skiing, boating, hanging out with friends instead of hunkered down, smoking my brain out, on my computer reading into all the bullshit conspiracy theories? As long as my(and those I care about) quality of life is great I'm not going to worry myself with all the other bullshit. Call me selfish, call me sheeple, I'll call my life great :blsmoke:

I love America, shes treated me better than I could even imagine. You wonder why people call you guys crazy.. Go outside and have some fun gentlemen!

Sheeple unite! haha:mrgreen:
^^for me it's canoeing, snowboarding, fucking AND smoking my brains out, but yeah...

Shouldn't be too much of a surprise to find paranoid crazies in the politics section of the pot forum, though.
Shouldn't be to much of a surprise finding enemies to liberty and freedom in pot forums either.
Persons who would deny any conspiracies exist all the while calling those who are Intelligent enough to recognize that denying anything out of hand without merit is the game of fools and simple minded lowbrows.
These same type of people would have done the same with Iran Contra or Tuskegee. Called people who accepted that there might be some validity to the claims crazy and paranoid. These are the true enemies to freedom and liberty because not only do they encourage other sheelpe to deny possibilities, they also enable the criminal conspiracies by their simple minded denials of these possibilities.
and remember this bit of truth about people: the degree of moral flexibility is directly propotional to the number of zeros before the decimal point in the paycheck.
and remember this bit of truth about people: the degree of moral flexibility is directly propotional to the number of zeros before the decimal point in the paycheck.

Absolutely. I remember when they began the whole day trader scenario. I opined that it would get a whole new breed of person stuck to the teet of Wall street. i also opined that it was a clever way to bleed the savings of Americans through the age old practice of stock manipulation.
By getting so many more Americans tied to the Stock trade they have created a new generation of Slaves to the Market trend. Those who will follow in lockstep because their life savings depends on what the market does in a day.
I wonder if FDD will give me an infraction for calling him a wonderful person? Cmon FDD show us all how much REAL POWER a mod has, c'mon I double dog dare you.
And seriously, if there is some NWO and the Fed and our government, and the other wealthiest people are all in it, and they are doing everything to control our lives, wouldn't that mean that they had already won? Why would they need a plane to bring down a building on 9/11 and not just have us do it? It just doesn't make any sense, if they already have all the power then they wouldn't need to trick us.

The USA must have an enemy, they fabricated middle eastern terrorists to put us on the path to decades of unwinnable war. This will enrichen the military industrial complex and provide a backdrop in which the USA can gain ever more control of its citizenry under the guise of safety.
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