there is a difference in a generalized statement and naming names. do you need me to explain it?
Those people who believe that 911 happened just like the gubbermint report says it did, and Kennedy was shot by a lone gunman as was MLK and Robert Kennedy are wholly dumber than a box of nails.
Anyone who thinks that Big Steel Buildings just disintegrated from normal fire have the IQ of a Gnat and should probably just be shot in the head so as to not dirty up the gene pool.
Brain dead losers are how I label those people who cannot see how the Federal Reserve has screwed this country up with fractional reserve banking and unpayable interest.
Panty sniffing pedophiles belong in the TSA so they can search you for inappropriate underwear before you get on that airplane to Grandma's.
Abe, you are a wonderful person, unfortunately people like you are the most fucked up, racist, uneducated, blind, baby killers I have ever had the displeasure of posting with.
See how that works, I just insulted alot of folks there, but not directly so its ok right? right? Don't you just love generalized statements?
Anyway, there HAS to be some truth to every conspiracy theory and to just dismiss it all offhand is only going to cause problems later on. Putting the "Crazy, paranoid" label on those people who perhaps think there is something going on does injustice to us all.