Got that off your chest, did ya?
My point was that there is real nefarious shit that goes on at the intersection of economic and political power, but that by chasing dragons like the '9/11 truth', barack obama's 'true' religion and place of birth or how the UN wants to take away your .45, the conspiracy dummies miss the very real conspiracies that ARE going on. I'm sure there are a more than a few idiots who don't believe barack obama isn't a US citizen but wholeheartedly supported the iraq invasion based on a pack of lies. Are they sheeple?
Had you been around at the time, you would probably have missed all the 'conspiracies' you list because you would have been too obsessed with how freemasons, jews and communists are infiltrating our society, culture and government. Paranoia and ridiculous conspiracy theory has been a staple of US politics and there has never been a shortage of dummies who buy into it.....these are, in my view, the sheeple. There's an article about this from back in the 70s called 'the paranoid style in american politics'....might be a worthwhile read for you, friend.
I'm happy to have this discussion with you, but don't be an asshole about it and get this thread closed. It's actually a pretty decent discussion all things considered....'enemy of freedom' was pretty funny though, I have to admit.