We want Peacemane420!!

I can't believe people are willing to put their photo's up at all considering what we are doing on this site, maybe you're a medical grower Sara, but that only makes you half safe.

As for the virtual orgy I couldn't wait and had a virtual premature ejaculation, and then wanked it again. I guess I'm out.

Sorry folks...

I can't believe people are willing to put their photo's up at all considering what we are doing on this site, maybe you're a medical grower Sara, but that only makes you half safe.

As for the virtual orgy I couldn't wait and had a virtual premature ejaculation, and then wanked it again. I guess I'm out.

Sorry folks...

med grower with nothing technically growing right now. i figure im safe posting pics cuz im not doing anything illegal. and in canada if u have a med license ur safe. period. its good for the whole country...not individual provinces the way the med laws are in the states.
It's usually a risk thing.. I'd think everyone weighs it out before they post..

Me personally at this second I'm not growing- but even if I was, I'm in Ohio, it would be like a littering ticket here.. before I was in Illinois and 5 plants or under is a misdemeanor.. so again, no big risk, I have no record- woulda got probation if I got busted.. but seriously, anything on here would just be further evidence- they're not going to track down anyone from a post and picture on a forum, not unless you're growing like a SHYT TON. lol.
damn, i missed some shit while i was gone lol
yeah we're in Canada here, so its not criminal to have under 14g's, or one plant that is budding. Its called personal use, and all we get is a 168$ fine here, no criminal record.
Um, yeah, as one of the women I think there's something worth reading here.
that aint true, i read about it in her grow journal. a couple dudes was harrassin her or some shit, n did some heavy ass insulting, n she couldn't take it anymore n she bounced out. just go to the next to last page, some dude that knows her who kept in contact with her said what happened without details.

Anyways, hell yeah we need our girl growers in here...seems like this forum is all staminate n no pistil....
Man, I am not reading another 19 pages, but there's a reason for that. It takes real persistence at times to look past the hatred of women a lot of the "men" (or, at least those who are posing as men) that I see here. As a matter of fact, I just bumped an old thread of mine regarding the stench of misogyny that exists within the growing and smoking community.

And to think, I had to marry an alcoholic wife-beater at 18 to learn that chauvinism and misogyny really existed.