Weak attempts to sway votes against cannabis ....


Active Member
So much going atm in the news and around the net, especially when the governments ways of trying to sway votes against the legalization of the weed stuff are going slim to none and falling on deaf ears ... weak at the best, never to the point, quick brainwash of the unknowledgeable about the dangers of the devils smoke just don't work anymore.

This is one example .... spot where they go wrong :/ BIG LOL



It still echos through the decades .. how dumb ha ha !!
I haven't smoked any weed for exactly 366 days as of today

I have notice I do have more energy , also I'm more irritable though (that could be bacause my job is stressful some days) and I am sleeping better at night.

I don't have anything against weed, I was a stoner for 30 years. Those are just things I've noticed since I quit.
has anyone mentioned to the crybabies that you can vape?

i LOVE weed..smoke all day every day don't have a single issue typically old school through a pipe since my water pipe broke.

my vision has change -1.00 in each eye to the better..i hardly need glasses and wear one contact, so i can see far and close without having to resort to reading glasses.

i have a more youthful look without wrinkles but i don't smoke tobacco or drink alcohol and try to keep sugar at a minimum..that shit ravages your body. I do use a very high SPF of 100+.

average person guesses i'm 40's.

i believe all of this is from the goodness and benefits of marijuana.

it's the fountain of youth.
no one spot the error in the claims in my 1st post ?

"here are 5 reasons..."

there's only 1 ha ha ! where are `1-2-3 and 4 ? ..... he must have been drunk the night before :/
So much going atm in the news and around the net, especially when the governments ways of trying to sway votes against the legalization of the weed stuff are going slim to none and falling on deaf ears ... weak at the best, never to the point, quick brainwash of the unknowledgeable about the dangers of the devils smoke just don't work anymore.

This is one example .... spot where they go wrong :/ BIG LOL



It still echos through the decades .. how dumb ha ha !!
Let's be honest about that list. Yes. You will breathe better if you quit smoking pot. Though it's not as bad as cigarettes anything combusted is hard on the lungs.

Better sleep. Sort of. Cannabis interrupts rem cycle. Stops you from having dreams. That can be a good thing for certian people like those with PTSD.

Mood. Sure. I've known a couple heads that were paranoid and short tempered. They were different when they took a break.

Libio and fertility. Cannabis lowers neither and newer studies back that.

Impairs the ability to learn. It does impair the transfer of short term to long term memory. Is it permanent? No. It doesn't cause everyone trouble with short to long memory.

All this said, I'm all for cannabis. It's a fairly safe susbtance. To say cannabis is without any negatives or harm is wrong. It's safer than most pharmaceuticals. Safer than tobacco.

I'm all for it being legal. Just he honest about the it. Weigh what little risk there are with cannabis against the benefits and make a decision.
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Let's be honest about that list. Yes. You will breathe better if you quit smoking pot. Though it's not as bad as cigarettes anything combusted is hard on the lungs.

Better sleep. Sort of. Cannabis interrupts rem cycle. Stops you from having dreams. That can be a good thing for certificate an people like those with PTSD.

Mood. Sure. I've known a couple heads that were paranoid and short tempered. They were different when they took a break.

Libio and fertility. Cannabis lowers neither and newer studies back that.

Impairs the ability to learn. It does impair the transfer of short term to long term memory. Is it permanent? No. It doesn't cause everyone trouble with short to long memory.

All this said, I'm all for cannabis. It's a fairly safe susbtance. To say cannabis is without any negatives or harm is wrong. It's safer than most pharmaceuticals. Safer than tobacco.

I'm all for it being legal. Just he honest about the it. Way what little risk there are with cannabis against the benefits and make a decision.
I stopped smoking for a bit. Dreams are wild. Dont ever remember my dreams when im smoking. Also my sleep schedule is way more consistent. Weird
I stopped smoking for a bit. Dreams are wild. Dont ever remember my dreams when im smoking. Also my sleep schedule is way more consistent. Weird

Hell yeah for that 8 months dreams were awesome. I think I even had a wet one lol. They were just so vivid.
Let's be honest about that list. Yes. You will breathe better if you quit smoking pot. Though it's not as bad as cigarettes anything combusted is hard on the lungs.

Better sleep. Sort of. Cannabis interrupts rem cycle. Stops you from having dreams. That can be a good thing for certificate an people like those with PTSD.

Mood. Sure. I've known a couple heads that were paranoid and short tempered. They were different when they took a break.

Libio and fertility. Cannabis lowers neither and newer studies back that.

Impairs the ability to learn. It does impair the transfer of short term to long term memory. Is it permanent? No. It doesn't cause everyone trouble with short to long memory.

All this said, I'm all for cannabis. It's a fairly safe susbtance. To say cannabis is without any negatives or harm is wrong. It's safer than most pharmaceuticals. Safer than tobacco.

I'm all for it being legal. Just he honest about the it. Way what little risk there are with cannabis against the benefits and make a decision.
well said, we do have to be honest but fuck it ... traffic pollutions worse say the chinese.

Don't travel to china go to cali and smoke weed ... much healthier :/
