
Easy P

Active Member
a good way to figure when to harvest is by trich color...another method is to wait till for 50% of the pistils to die back...ultimately it depends on the high you want...the longer you let her go the more potent the high...sativas generally should be harvested a little early though to take advantage of the high thc to cbd ratio...hope this helps.good luck.


Well-Known Member
thank you very much. while you were replying, i was out back snapping pictures.

Here are some -

This is one of the nugs I was talking about that has a lot more red hairs, located at the bottom of the plant in the shade



Well-Known Member
Beautiful plant but if you chop now your not going to be happy. It could possibly go another 2 months. In my experience sativa's just don't know when to quit.


Well-Known Member
Wow...im in shock. :D Very happy its going to go a lot longer though. It seemed to start really early, too!

Thanks for all great advice peoples.

Any good flushing techniques? I was told to flush with 5 gallons of water a day until harvest.

Thanks everyone

2 plants.


Well-Known Member
Radioshack.com or the stores have a Magnification tool that is like 9 Dollars. Some pot websites sell a 420-scope, well thats just a High-Priced version of what they have at radio shack minus the cool green and stickers on it.

It goes to 100x magnification, should be able to tell you when your Trich's reach that Cloudy/Amber level.

9 Dollars...lol...best buy ever.

Agent 47

Well-Known Member
ya honestly i'd say you have a good while more to go. you can pretty much tell a ready to pick plant from a still flowering plant when looking at pictures and that ones still kickin


Well-Known Member
I actually did buy a scope but I thought I read to get a 10x so I got one that goes has 10,15,and 20x but Im going to go buy the 60x-100x one with the light.

Anyone want to guess my yield? There is no huge spears on the backside of the plant near the bottom because it broke off. It looks empty from the other side.

-- Other side -- notice the branch missing? :x

Oh and the plant on the right, I chopped the like 4 biggest lower branches due to dog piss.


Marie Jain

Active Member
To confirm all that's been said:

I'm growing and have local friends doing the same, and one of them has a Jamaican Sativa, a really pretty plant. Its been in flower for a while now and browned its hairs all over, so he pulled it on Monday.

It's drying now and I wish he'd waited a few more weeks, you can tell after cleaning it up that the buds are still slighly immature. Looking at it under the Radio Shack Special (best buy evar) you can see the trichs are cloudy to amber instead of being all amber - so another few weeks wouldnt have hurt it at all.

Easy P

Active Member
ill take a stab at your yield...id be surprised if you didnt get at least a half pound bro off those two pretty girls...

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
Nice job man i say between a 1/2 and 3/4 of a lb total. why did you cut the branch off that the dog pissed on you never heard of labrador its some good shit....jk. let them go until everyone here says to cut. I didnt one year and it was shitty.


Well-Known Member
Those are some large yields, we'll see. I can only hope :D

I did not top, FDD told me to just let them grow so thats what I did.

I cut the branch off because it hurt my eyes to look at.


Well-Known Member
Very nice photography Bman. Agree with the experts and the like more time. I went to a friends who was growing for the first time. His looked like yours and I told him what everyone told you, but I dont think he can keep his hands off it til its done. Patience my friend.