wealth distribution


Well-Known Member
what about Israel and great britain? or syria or venezuela? or china? or maybe vietnam? or the US, I mean nationalizing a company the size of AIG is a socialist thing....
but those countries apart from GB have considerable unrest present on the world stage britan's once is considered a constitutional monarchy, and quite frankly the national healthcare saved my life as a kid

and US will continue to call it's self a democracy, they will not back down from that standpoint no matter how many times proven wrong


Well-Known Member
You have to keep fighting for what's right, no matter what the the odds are, you must always have hope.;-)

i try 2 have hope, but i keep real with it, when i told my friend about something like this and my view on politics he too a long drag of the blunt and said:
"then why are u in college becoming part of the same regeime u speak so openly agains't, so when they distribute the money u make and use it for ur gain i'll still be tradign these bricks and know i didn't sell my soul out to become what they want me 2b."

i said
"well while u're still killing each other in the projects i'll be making my money"

he said
"well what u seem 2 of forgotten is that u used 2 b a front runner of democracy, u worked ur way up no aid frm anyone 2 sell these bricks because u were faster than the others, and now ur trying 2 become a cookie cutter runner, ur taking something u know u can do better 2 fight presecution of urself"

and i realized fuck he's right the projects ghetto and the drug trade at that level was a complete democracy maybe the people who they say are savages stealing from eachother killing eachother "doing each other dirty" is what a democracy is all about the stringest smartes dog will make it on top


New Member
Many of the people scoffing at the notion of “sharing the wealth” are the same people who want to declare this a Christian country or to post the Ten Commandments in public buildings. They can’t have it both ways.
Jesus did not have anything to say about abortion or homosexuality, but he was quite clear in teaching that those with wealth were to give freely to those who were in need.

Payment of taxes provides funding for health care, job creation or training, food stamps and other services that are available to “the least of these.”

Wealthy people in this country owe their wealth at least in part to the fact that they live in this country. Indeed, they could see the payment of taxes as a way of showing their gratitude for the nation, which has allowed them to thrive.

Why is it so awful to ask them to share?


Well-Known Member
Many of the people scoffing at the notion of “sharing the wealth” are the same people who want to declare this a Christian country or to post the Ten Commandments in public buildings. They can’t have it both ways.
Jesus did not have anything to say about abortion or homosexuality, but he was quite clear in teaching that those with wealth were to give freely to those who were in need.

Payment of taxes provides funding for health care, job creation or training, food stamps and other services that are available to “the least of these.”

Wealthy people in this country owe their wealth at least in part to the fact that they live in this country. Indeed, they could see the payment of taxes as a way of showing their gratitude for the nation, which has allowed them to thrive.

Why is it so awful to ask them to share?
and "Jesus Wept"


Well-Known Member
Many of the people scoffing at the notion of “sharing the wealth” are the same people who want to declare this a Christian country or to post the Ten Commandments in public buildings. They can’t have it both ways.
Jesus did not have anything to say about abortion or homosexuality, but he was quite clear in teaching that those with wealth were to give freely to those who were in need.

Payment of taxes provides funding for health care, job creation or training, food stamps and other services that are available to “the least of these.”

Wealthy people in this country owe their wealth at least in part to the fact that they live in this country. Indeed, they could see the payment of taxes as a way of showing their gratitude for the nation, which has allowed them to thrive.

Why is it so awful to ask them to share?
Because they are the ones who run the show, you aren't about to convince them to make themselves give up their fortune.


New Member
I want to know how much money is enough? If a person has 50 million dollars in the bank, is that enough, or do they need more? How about 100 million dollars, is that enough or do they need more? Oprah made 500 million last year alone, is that enough, or should she re-negotiate her salary?

Ever notice how greed and god go together? The most greedy also claim to be the most godly?


Active Member
Greed - God same thing. Religion doesn't exist, it's just a brainwashing belief system that makes you think there is an ever watching eye in the sky. We're humans people another occupier of the Gaia principle. Stop trying to put your belief in something that's only 6K years old. We've been here for millions of years. And jesus just came down? Hahaa. Too funny. Adam and eve, mccain obama, all this shit is made up. mccain's an idiot that can't do anything but talk about obama, obama is brainwashed and being told what to do and how to carry it out and we're sitting here talking about it instead of making plans for ourselves, friends and family. Oh, don't let me leave out the racist fucks who wouldn't vote for anything but anglo saxon. Fuck you, get off your high horse, everybody is a human being. I hate racists... any type. we all have to ban together if we want to take this country back. But as long as people talk about obama and mccain and who is better and who is worse we're stuck in the same stupid matrix we've been in for years. There's no way either of these guys can get us out of the mess we're in. Fighting this fucked up war killed our country. And don't give me shit about being patriotic, I served my time in the Navy and paid my dues to be a Teams guy. I'm all about country, but we have to focus on ourselves and bring our country back instead of telling other countries what to do just because they sit on a pipeline of oil that we want to control.


Well-Known Member
Many of the people scoffing at the notion of “sharing the wealth” are the same people who want to declare this a Christian country or to post the Ten Commandments in public buildings. They can’t have it both ways.
Your over-generalization is simply untrue. There are plenty of people who oppose all three of those proposals.
Jesus did not have anything to say about abortion or homosexuality, but he was quite clear in teaching that those with wealth were to give freely to those who were in need.

Payment of taxes provides funding for health care, job creation or training, food stamps and other services that are available to “the least of these.”
Frankly, I don't give a fig what Jesus said. This is not a Christian country.

Furthermore, there is no Constitutional right to health care, a job, food stamps, or 'other services.'
Wealthy people in this country owe their wealth at least in part to the fact that they live in this country. Indeed, they could see the payment of taxes as a way of showing their gratitude for the nation, which has allowed them to thrive.
The top 10% of income earners pay over 70% of all income taxes. You don't see gratitude there?
Who Pays Income Taxes? See Who Pays What
Why is it so awful to ask them to share?
No one will be asking. They will be telling. The IRS does not ask. Comply or else.


Well-Known Member
I want to know how much money is enough? If a person has 50 million dollars in the bank, is that enough, or do they need more? How about 100 million dollars, is that enough or do they need more? Oprah made 500 million last year alone, is that enough, or should she re-negotiate her salary?
Are you suggesting it is acceptable to dictate to another person what income is acceptable?
Ever notice how greed and god go together? The most greedy also claim to be the most godly?
You would have to prove that to me. Greed is a loaded term. It seems like yet another over-generalization in an attempt to demonize.


New Member
No, I was simply asking, how much money is "enough"? If you have 100 million but are driving past starving people every day, is that "enough" money, or do you want more? How much is "enough"? Anyone?

I was pointing out that the most greedy types (the types that can never have enough money, even if they had it all, they'd still want more) are also the types that want to drag god into everything. I thought greed was one of the seven deadly sins.

I don't think "heaven" allows people to pay for tickets, in cash, at the door.

Are you suggesting it is acceptable to dictate to another person what income is acceptable?

You would have to prove that to me. Greed is a loaded term. It seems like yet another over-generalization in an attempt to demonize.


Well-Known Member
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." - Matthew 19:23-24

The rich have been investing in giant needles ever since..


New Member
The bible, which is what god types use as an instruction manuel, states that as a fact. I just summed it up in other words. See how I put "heaven" in quotes, that is because I don't believe in fairy tales.


Well-Known Member
The bible, which is what god types use as an instruction manuel, states that as a fact. I just summed it up in other words. See how I put "heaven" in quotes, that is because I don't believe in fairy tales.
And you dragged god into the argument, did you not?

Whether you believe in fairy tales or not is immaterial. You dragged god into it. Here it is again...
I was pointing out that the most greedy types (the types that can never have enough money, even if they had it all, they'd still want more) are also the types that want to drag god into everything.
I call your excuse a dodge. You dragged god into it (the very thing that you claim the greedy folk in doing)and now your resorting to excuses.


Well-Known Member
And you dragged god into the argument, did you not?

Whether you believe in fairy tales or not is immaterial. You dragged god into it. Here it is again...

I call your excuse a dodge. You dragged god into it (the very thing that you claim the greedy folk in doing)and now your resorting to excuses.
coul we all just get along? i mean were weed smokers 4 (insert whatever u want to here) sakes


New Member
Pointing out that the more greedy types drag god into everything is an observation. Pointing out that the greedy types are the ones that think they can buy their way into heaven is also an observation.

If I was dragging god into the argument I would have said something more along the lines of, "no one is allowed to have money unless they believe in god" or "people who believe in god don't have to pay taxes". Can you understand the difference?