Weaving & Bobbing thru 1st Grow :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks nflguy...i'm a woman and not a "bro"...lol...lol...but its all good :D! I've never tried the THC bomb before but heard alot great things about it so decided to add it to the list in my first grow! She's now doing awesome....she loves that Root Spa bucket! But I can't contribute it to the bucket alone...I think its a combination of all of it really....either way....just happy she's growing well! Thanks again for the encouragement!

I will post more pics of the babies in a few days and keep everyone informed :wink:!
hehe OOPS! :)


New Member
I used Rosemans Tutorial, there is one on rollitup but the pictures are not working


there is some great info on there
post #59 addresses this issue
Thanks Commander Strax, I checked it out and ur right some do recommend covering the hydroton so no light gets in the buckets. The grow rocks that I have in the buckets have done an excellent job of making sure no light gets down in the buckets, and besides the touch of root rot I got about a week ago (they're all doing great now since I've added subculture M and subculture B to the buckets...yeahhhh...lol), their thriving wonderful up top and down below now....they've made me a happy lil lady...lol :smile:!
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New Member
Hey everyone,

I am attaching a new pic of the babies this week. I had to reposition the buckets in order to put the shorter plants together closer to the back and the 2 taller plants in the front due to the 2 T5 lights I have adjusted at different levels. The root rot a few of my plants got about a week or so ago is all but gone thanks to Subculture B and M, and my purp kush (back left) is no longer drooping and has an entirely new thick set of gorgeous roots (I cut her old ones off all the way down to the rockwool cube its in). I know some say cut them off and some say leave them on...I just rather cut them off as much as possible as to not give the bad bacteria any help with further spreading and living off of....either way...it worked out great :)! My Dynamite auto strain (top left) has already start to pre-flower I believe because she's showing small baby pistols already...she has a 50-day cycle veg to harvest reportedly (today is day 35)...another 2 weeks left for her...yeah meeee...lol :P!All 0507.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey nflguy! Here is a couple pics of the THC bomb at almost 3 weeks now....for some reason, I believe lighting position, when she first grew in she grew heavier on 1 side opposed to the other (you'll notice in the pics below from both sides). But she's a strong gal and continue to grow happily :)!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh brings a smile to my face ;)