webcam monitering

Im going to be setting up a grow op in a location that i do not frequent on a regular ocasion any more, i want to be able to moniter it wirelessly.

i have a webcam, quite a bit of pc knowledge, and the ability to set up wireless access and viewing options.

my question to you, is does anyone know of any "safe" programs, software, webware (ex. or does this sound coompletely retarded...


Well-Known Member
i know what you're talking about, but i don't know of anything that could help. good luck!

i know what you're talking about, but i don't know of anything that could help. good luck!


lol thanks for the good luck wishes, feel free to start some buzz around, im really hoping for some personal experience on the whole thing....


Well-Known Member
i've never done this but have thought about it
a few things come to mind, if you want a good reliable link over a large distance(say a mile or more), then you should be prepared to spend a bit of money
and though i doubt the police go around monitoring the common wireless bands(though they might, dammed if i know), there are other hobbyists that do this depending where you live, so you might want to encrypt the video


Well-Known Member
It's not too difficult. You'll need:

a video camera with AV outputs OR webcam
a capture card installed on your computer
an account with a live stream online service (, ustream,
Internet access and computer at both locations.

Make 100% sure to setup a PRIVATE stream 'show'. My company currently uses LIVESTREAM.COM to stream our live events...I think they have free accounts as well with more limited options. It would probably work for what your looking for. that I think about could simply create 2 hotmail emaill accounts...have msn messenger running at both locations...and have a 'video convo' between the 2 accounts. Lol
It's not too difficult. You'll need: that I think about could simply create 2 hotmail emaill accounts...have msn messenger running at both locations...and have a 'video convo' between the 2 accounts. Lol
ok thats more along the lines of what i was thinking... just create an account that only i have the acccount to... have the webcam always on and always going on the account at the "location" and have my other account on a laptop or something portable that i can access the webcam whenever i want... and have it set to always accept my invite to look at it.

any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
Set up a stickam acount, www . stickam . com

make two accounts,

make your account to friends only and set up the live, add yourself as a friend on that account.

and you can always join to the live room and no one else can because they have to be friends.
Set up a stickam acount, www . stickam . com

make two accounts,

make your account to friends only and set up the live, add yourself as a friend on that account.

and you can always join to the live room and no one else can because they have to be friends.
do you know personally what kind of monetering the stickam people do?

Illegal Smile

What kind of monitoring would that accomplish? You could tell if someone was there chopping your plants, but I doubt you could tell anything about plant condition (unless horrible) or insects or other things that ideally you would be monitoring for. I don't think it's retarded, but I doubt it's cost-effective for what you'll get out of it.


Well-Known Member
interesting, had thought in terms of a simple radio transmitter, but a cell phone/internet setup is pretty good idea
though, as mentioned, the cost might be a bit high
but if you used just a cell phone with a camera builtin, that could be pretty low cost
this might require reprogramming the cell phone, which would be a bit of a project
but this could be a minimal cost hardware wise

Illegal Smile

Do you want something that just lets you look in now and then, or something that if someone messes around at 2 am, you will be notified immediately?
Do you want something that just lets you look in now and then, or something that if someone messes around at 2 am, you will be notified immediately?
i just want to be able to check up on them everynow and then. like sittin around the house, wondering how the ladys are wana peek in on them without a trip. or hey i got a new timer, check the cam around X:xx to make sure its working rite, nothing for security, or monitering, just becausse i like knowing how my girls are doing in general...


Well-Known Member
do you know personally what kind of monetering the stickam people do?

Personally no.

But idk look into it, im sure they wont make to much of a fuss for a plant, they mostly moniter for porn and what not.

But if your not to far from your grow look into those camera baby monitors,
They have night vision as well. :bigjoint:

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Sounds like a decent idea in theory but realistically is very complicated and probably not worth the cost to get set up.
Sounds like a decent idea in theory but realistically is very complicated and probably not worth the cost to get set up.
i already own a webcam
i already have a computer at the other location
i have a laptop for where im at usually
online webcam sites are free...

so it costs nothing, literally. im just worried about the monitering of content and if anyone has any personal advice.


Well-Known Member
another thread here that had some good info on this
but there is one big issue, this is outdoors, indoor equipment in the outdoors will have problems
you've probably thought of a 'weather proof' box of some kind, i.e. keeps off the rain
but the gotcha is condensation, if the box isn't temperature controlled, you will get condensation
for most indoor electronics, condensation = equipment failure
this is why equipment like trail cams have the higher price, they've been designed for this condition and been tested for it
another thread here that had some good info on this
but there is one big issue, this is outdoors, indoor equipment in the outdoors will have problems
you've probably thought of a 'weather proof' box of some kind, i.e. keeps off the rain
but the gotcha is condensation, if the box isn't temperature controlled, you will get condensation
for most indoor electronics, condensation = equipment failure
this is why equipment like trail cams have the higher price, they've been designed for this condition and been tested for it
oh everything is in doors, old house, budys apartment, stuff like that.
i wouldnt put the camera facing the plant just in case the wrong people see it and also if your interested in that then look into one of these ,its a motion sensor set up to a phone jack that will call a number allready programmed in by you to call and leave a message or some shit
ahh, fantastic link, but im not interested in using it as a security type deal. i have measures and means set up for that. im concerned specificly with using a camera to moniter the babys 24/7 so i can look in to them from time to time whenever i want. looking for a secure site, or program, that can be accessed or viewed wirelessly.