Wedding Cake Auto


New Member
Hey friends,

Id like to know if anyone has experience with Barneys Farm wedding cake auto.

My seed sprouted around Nov. 10th, but still hasn't shown sex. Did they send me a photo period, or does this auto have a long time for veg?

I've heard it does happen, usually caused by some sort of stress, did you transplant it, defoliate it,,?
I've heard it does happen, usually caused by some sort of stress, did you transplant it, defoliate it,,?
I transplanted from a solo cup into its 3 gallon pot, topped it once early, and some light defoliation. It seems the stress has extended the veg period, which the other 2 strains im running right now had the same stress but are flowering beautifully.
I grew 3 of the same did the same to all 3..1 decided to just shut down, it was already in flower and put the brakes on..ended up being 3 weeks past the dry of the other 2, had you not stressed it id say put her 12/12, but it seems it didn't enjoy what you did .., if it doesn't start by the time tour others finish id cut my loses..but thats me
Honestly, thats what I was thinking, if she's not flowering by the time I'm chopping the other 2, then I'll probably just yank her out and start 3 new seeds. Thanks for your insight!