Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions


Well-Known Member
Steve, I've read your thread, and I hope you're dealing with your addictions one day at a time. One thing that I must mention is the synergic effect that can be caused by combining alcohol with other drugs such as cannabis. I saw that you'd mentioned that "voice" in your head that's calling you to get drunk when you're smoking bud. Trying to choose weed to get rid of your alcohol problem is not an easy solution to alcohol addiction if you're used to doing them both simultaneously. When you combine weed and booze, the high you achieve is greater than either substance by itself. This synergic high that you are used to getting is what your body is craving when you smoke bud. Over time, your physiology will change if you stay away from the alcohol, and you won't have those cravings as bad. But the combining of the two substances in your past has a lot to do with your struggle to just smoke weed today and forget about booze. It's not all psycological, you have some physiological withdrawals from the high you used to get while doing both alcohol and weed together. Good lucking kicking it, and try not to combine the two.


Well-Known Member
yes you are right woldoweedcraft,and Ive known about this for quite a while. I just thought somehow I was strong enough or whatever to handle both at the same time,but now when I mix booze and weed I know how badly it messes me up,and the next day I feel like a basketcase. As I said though ,instead of just picking up another drink and trying to get totally numb or blotto ,I can hardly wait to get back to the state I was in the day before so the last thing I feel like is booze. I still do have random thoughts about drinking because I still do like the buzz I guess,but I know I wont want just one or two,its more like at least 6 or 12 and then I have to deal with the nasty after effects which are too much to put up with on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya steve. I've never liked drinking as much as I do smoking weed. I could go to a bar and order one and leave with a small tab...no sweat. But ask me to smoke half a joint...yea right. I always burn em down from end to end, and then even when I'm stoned I have the urge to roll another. I think I just enjoy smoking, but I don't use tobacco...so I smoke a few joints while my friends smoke cigarettes. My weed addiction is pretty bad. Similar to your alcoholism.


Well-Known Member
Just curious though Chinacat why you post here if you havent smoked in a "very long time". As I say Im just curious ,it certainly doesnt bother me at all. You certainly have a great style of writing and I can tell you must be a very smart thoughtful person.
Ahhhh curious.. it is really no big deal, just because I don't do it, doesn't mean I don't miss it. ;-) I love my job and I would never put that in jeopardy. But, being a Deadhead from way back... I have done my fair share of having a good time before making this decision. I sometimes get sad that it is okay for me to "hang out" in a bar and my bosses would buy me drinks.... but I shouldn't "smoke" because it is wrong. Our society has things messed up. Oh well... this isn't philosophy 101.

Also, my better half hangs out here and he still partakes. Sooooo, if you can't beat em, join em...... just for the chatting part.

Thank you for your kind words. I feel the same way as you.... I am here to help anyone that may need a friendly shoulder. I can hope we make a difference to someone.

Stay strong and believe in yourself! My pleasure chatting with you! :hug:


Well-Known Member
Had a great day overall,got things done and picked up this nice bud from a Rastaman whom I just met tonight.Damn I feel better than when I posted early this morning!


Well-Known Member
God damn it I just got my brand new bong and want to smoke out of it. had to put it away till febuary god damn courts. 6 months drug free such a shame. 3 months in my back is killing me nothing like a smooth bong hit to take the edge off. grrrrr


New Member
Hi steve. I ran across your thread and it reminded me of an old b/f of mine. He had a problem with drinking and everyone tried everything we could. After a long time he started keeping his mind busy with anything he could and it worked for him. He started working out and when he would drink he said it made his body feel crappy and that helped him stop. We ended up breaking up and moving on. I kept in touch. He was just trying out new hobbies and focusing on other things rather than drinking. He stayed sober for 5yrs. The ironic thing.... is that after all that work and determination he ended up in a bad car crash and didn't make it. It was a drunk driver who hit him. Sorry to bum anyone out. Point is, just keep busy and focus on the stuff that matters steve, life is too damn short to waste it on repetition ya know what i mean...

stay strong, smoke a bowl and get some awesome hobbies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya man and take care of yourself and someone else.


Well-Known Member
well Im a bit too hungover to write much,but honestly this is the good part of the hangover where I got over the sick feeling and now my endorphins/hormones are just kind of raging . Feels alright for sure but I am looking forward to getting back to normal so I can function again,since I got lots to do just so I can make rent ,keep my ebay feedback good etc. Hope everyone is having a great day somehow or other.


Well-Known Member
I am sitting here staring at the keyboard thinking about what I want to write after reading your post steve. first I felt disapointment but then I thought about it and It ws more sadness than anything. The reason being that I know alcohol is a fucking killer. Man I know you mentioned you didin't want to drink but, you did and was wondering why? What outlet did you not use to end up drinking. There are ton of resorces at your fingertips to help you. Or I might be way off and your good with it. I don't man just going by what you mentioned. Take care of yourself. your well worth it. Seems like you have alot of people on here pulling for you. Hope your doing ok. peace


Well-Known Member
thanks for the concern koolhand,yeah everything is very cool. Im not drinking tonight and I cant wait til a bit later when I can just fall asleep watching tv.`As for last night I guess you could say there were a few reasons why I drank. First of all I was drinking a lot of coffee/mochachino which for me also means a lot of sugar, so I was feeling incredeibly wired plus starting to feel kinda sick. I knew that a few beers would definitely settle my stomach and help me relax. Plus it was the first real snowfall last night around rushour and I had to head out of the city to check out some records and taking public transit can suck really bad around rushour. I seem to heavily associate snowfalls with drinking as well,so all in all eventually I just gave into my cravings. Anyhow I had a pretty decent time at Sneaky Dees,and met some cool people,then just went home. I really want to get back to business tomorrow,and I know I will. Good to see people pulling for me as you pointed out. This thread is getting a bit intense sometimes but in a good way. The only drawback which is perhaps quite small is that Im starting to feel obligated to post by a certain time since I know there may be people wondering about me. This is a small price to keep this going,since I am becoming seriously motivated to show everyone that I mean what I say when I talk about getting my habits dealt with,and my life back together,peace


Well-Known Member
Thanks netpirate for the kind words . That really sucks about your BF,and its one of those stories that carries a lot of deep meaning for sure.Just for the record,I myself dont drive . I used to drive but lost my license due to unpaid fines tickets etc. I never got charged with impaired even though I was stopped by cops sooo many times for other things like speeding ,burnt out lights,no seatbelt etc. Im not saying I didnt drink and drive at all,but I didnt get drunk like Ive been getting drunk in the past 8 years or so since. As long as Im still drinking the way I am sometimes I dont even want to be thinking about driving . Anyhow welcome to my thread and hope to hear from you again sometime.


Well-Known Member
It so intresting what we asscociate with our drinkin gor smoking some pot snow morning coffee not just alcohol or drugs. also nicotine and caffiene as well. As long as your being honest with yourself. I think thats the most imporant thing I can see for you steve. I'm all ears and remember this is just the net bro you don't owe us a thing. lol be well


Well-Known Member
Yes you are so right Koolhand about being honest as the most important part,and honestly I konw I will have no desire to drink today and hopefully it will be quite a while before I do again. I realize there will be several snowfalls this winter and Im not worried about drinking every time it snows,since I know that there were other extenuating circumstances which led to my decision the other night.Also that first storm always seems to be especially hard if I am already feeling stressed anyhow.
This morning I definitely feel like I have a second day hangover,since the alcohol afterglow and elevated hormones are finished,so now its simply back to reality time,and I know I have a lot of work/problems to deal with today.
Yes I know I dont owe anybody anything,but common sense tells me if I dont post for a while,people may think Im not serious,and they will just lose interest. Just as important though is that there are some people who seem genuinely concerend and I dont like making people worry for no reason if I dont have to. Somedays I may be very busy,other times I just hold back because I want to say what I think is most relevant to whats going on with my day or to think about some of the thoughtful posts left by others. Im not somebody who likes to write alot,but I do like to write about things that are really on my mind,so I like to think I prefer quality ove quantity.Have a great day,and I will probably post something tonight.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from my walk to the coffee shop with my latte and smoking my last bit of bud. Its kind of cold -9C but at least its sunny and not real windy ,so its still good for walking .Point being that Im already feeling better than my last post just a little while ago. "Dream on" is playin on the radio,and those empty post drunk feelings I was having are quickly be replaced with positive ones. Now to deal with the rest of my day. Hopefully I will make some decent coin because that definitely at the top of my concerns. However I am still confident that I will get through with a bit of perseverence and maybe some ingenuity,since there are so many different ways I can make money from what I do,that being ebay,craislist ,and selling to other dealers .It sure would be nice to have a G or so in the bank right now though know what I mean?Im thinking about growing shrooms since they are easier than weed,and I could trade with weed dealers so I wouldnt have to pay for my weed anymore.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would post here at the library on my laptop. Having a rough day feeling kinda shaky and tired. I forgot to mention I took a couple percs the other night that someone gave me. Never tried them before,so I thought why not since they were free. Maybe thats why I was feeling pretty good yesterday ,and not so much today. Anyhow I definitely dont want to drink today even though things arent going so good . Went to look at some records and I think they were the same ones I left on the side of the road one day because they were all really bad/scratched. Thats just one thing and there are several other things that were fd up,but Im just going to do what I can to make this day as good as I can for whats left of it,peace


Well-Known Member
I hope I didnt somehow minimize my drinking in my posts yesterday because today was definitely much worse . It felt like I was falling through a black hole or something many times and still a bit now. Really depressing stuff ,but at least I know enough to not drink tonight thats for sure.Just taking it one day ,or one hour at a time now. I only have a tiny bit of weed which makes matters worse of course,but on the other hand its better than nothing I guess.


Well-Known Member
Woke up feeling ok,but hardly even want to smoke weed today since my life is so messed up right now and I dont want to screw it up completely .Plus I just cant afford it,since Im amost broke. I dont get to this point too often but Ive been here before and its not fun at all. Anyhow I am quite sure today should still be better than yesterday since I feel like I am over must of the alcohol withdrawls and had a half decent sleep.


Well-Known Member
Im really starting to hate my fucking laptop which I bought about 3 months ago. Apart from freezing or very slow loading pages,Im also finding it is becoming a serious pain in the neck. USATODAY.com - Laptop design can be a pain in the posture

Not to mention I have to lug it around everywhere which doesnt help my stiff neck,and I have to worry about losing it/dropping it all the time.I am posting this from an internet cafe where I have a nice big monitor,keyboard and good old school mouse,not to mention a nice swivel chair with a desk to lean on as needed.No wonder I hardly got any work done on ebay somedays,since I almost always have a problem with pages freezing there with my laptop.


Well-Known Member
I just started using my laptop on a small desk I had in my room,which has a slide out shelf. I also added a regular usb mouse which is really cool. Im also going to add a full size screen and keyboard.The slide out shelf was facing the middle of the room,so I just turned the desk around so I can still sit on my bed,and now at least I can sit up straight,Im not twisting to one side like when I was laying the laptop on my bed. Im noticing a difference already,but my upper back/neck is still pretty damn sore,and may take a few days to get back to normal. Anyhow I still wll use it on my bed once in a while when I am too tired to sit up and just want to surf or look at pictures .
Im so glad to finally take care of this problem. I still will probably use internet cafes alot though when working for several hours like on ebay,since I still prefer a nice chair with proper size desk. Definitely feel better than yesterday,no drinkin this weekend thats for sure.