Well-Known Member
anything can be addictive. Obese people love food, midgits love height, and i love marijuana. Ahh parallel construction, delivering a poetic example!
The withdrawl for most people is a little different than most substances (so I have noticed)At least pot doesnt kill you lol.
Lolanything can be addictive. Obese people love food, midgits love height, and i love marijuana. Ahh parallel construction, delivering a poetic example!
Concur with you, my friend~lol Midgets love height. Haha. I agree with you subtlechaos , if you need to quit and cant thats an addiction. Most people smoke after a hard day of work and watch tv to relax , kinda like some people come home and get a beer. But if it goes beyond that its ok. Like if its a sunday and your just bored and smoke pot , thats ok lol. But i think its not ok when it could put your job , family , or something like that in jeopardy. See what im saying?
how many people do you think get withdrawl symptoms? i dont know if thats really common or not, i've not experienced them, and neither do my other friends who toke, so i wonder what factors into whether a person will experience withdrawl or not? might be worth while to start a thread asking people about withdrawl and if they get it, and then try and see which things are common among those people...just for the sake of experimentBut there is a withdrawl.. so that would mean there has to be a dependance?