Weed barons anonymous


Well-Known Member
sorry to interject, but i kind of like this Weed Baron character. he's frickin hilarious. he never shows us his stuff, but we are supposed to believe he is the god of growing or something... he just used weird English phrases and has a cool avatar. but i would like to see his credentials instead of just fluff messages.
Big up Bugs! You grow some nice plants bro.

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Gentlemen,

Being the true WEED Baron of RIU it has been brought to my attention by lesser growers that there are scallywogs still pretending to be "weed" barons and that they are in fact still degrading the name of the Baron Hood.

It is not of honor to embarrass those of lesser talents than oneself therefore by the creed of the brotherhood of the barons we do not display our grows.

We receive our rewards when the Barons of WEED gather during our fall meetings of the Baron Hood where all WEED Barons cast votes of whom is the best of the best growers. I have received the distinguished honor the past 5 yrs and expect to receive it again this year as well.

Good Day Sirs! :finger:


Well-Known Member
als gone now bugs .. you can make a new name for yourself.
or .... you can hold onto that title and be proud.
its yourchoice you can be the weed baron that hides in us all.
or you can be something all together different... hell i dunno something like a weed entrepeneur ??
good to see ya aint lost yer sense of humor bugs


Well-Known Member
Hey I know some REAL weed barons down in hazard ky...they meet up round harvest moon and they whole town is there even the judge...but there kinda crazy hill billys...and just don't give a fuck. they dont judge who's the best they just get really high and really loud. They are the real deal my friend your just a wanna be weed baron but you are funny guess that counts for something right!? :) bugsrnme al said it...thats good enough for me bro!


New Member
Hey I know some REAL weed barons down in hazard ky...they meet up round harvest moon and they whole town is there even the judge...but there kinda crazy hill billys...and just don't give a fuck. they dont judge who's the best they just get really high and really loud. They are the real deal my friend your just a wanna be weed baron but you are funny guess that counts for something right!? :) bugsrnme al said it...thats good enough for me bro!
thank you and i love you too!:fire:

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Sirs,

It has come to the attention of the Baron hood that there is a stealth WEED Baron among us and he has not come forth to accept his knighthood of WEED.

This stellar grower has been contributing to RIU for sometime now and has a stellar reputation one that cannot be tarnished by accusations of growing weed out of his arse.

Please inform this person via telegram that his Baronhood awaits him and that I will be most happy to crown thy great WEED Baron STINKBUD into the brother hood of WEED.

You will all acknowledge the great Stinkbug whenever he posts from now on as Baron Stinkbug.

Those whom defile or tarnish his reputation will have the Baron hood of WEED to deal with and shall be whipped and thrown in with the pigs.


Good Day Sirs :finger:


Well-Known Member
Dear Sirs,

It has come to the attention of the Baron hood that there is a stealth WEED Baron among us and he has not come forth to accept his knighthood of WEED.

This stellar grower has been contributing to RIU for sometime now and has a stellar reputation one that cannot be tarnished by accusations of growing weed out of his arse.

Please inform this person via telegram that his Baronhood awaits him and that I will be most happy to crown thy great WEED Baron STINKBUD into the brother hood of WEED.

Those whom defile or tarnish his reputation will have the Baron hood of WEED to deal with.


You will all acknowledge the great Stinkbug when ever he posts from now on as Baron Stinkbug.

Those whom do not shall be whipped and thrown in with the pigs.

Good Day Sirs :finger:
How do you know he wants to be a part of your little Baron HOOD? Maybe he thinks its just a bunch of lame blowhards that have to brag about being in some little club instead of just "knowing" that your better than everyone else. oh, and tell the queen's majesty that she was boring in bed the other night when i made sweet love to her. oh, and tell her she also needs to douche beforehand too. :spew:

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Sirs,

Those whom cannot grow cannabis would never know what WEED Barons have already have found out over centuries of handed down knowledge and that is we are far more advanced and are superior growers unlike the other servants and peasants in our kingdom who worship at our feet for just a word of wisdom from our lips.

Everyone in the RIU Kingdom knows that once you have reached Baron hood you become royalty and want for nothing for you will have reached the pinnacle of ones life's work. YOU ARE WEED BARON .

I did however speak to the Queen and she had said that she did feel a small prick in her chambers the other night but thought nothing of it.

And dear sir why would she need to if you already cleaned up after i was finished?

Good Day Sir!:finger:


Well-Known Member
Dear Sir,

I have won the battle!

Please refrain from using the title "WEED Baron" again in the future or you shall see a swift rebuke from the Baron hood of WEED.

Good Day Sir! :finger:
What rock did this nimrod crawl out from under????????Been here a month and giving orders like hes captured the site.Zig heil ,sit back ,shut the fuck up while the grown ups talk..lol Won the battle:wall:Im sorry yall im just allergic to retards:peace:


Well-Known Member
we left that rock long ago. :)


and to the rest of you, watch your tongue.