Weed breath with a chick....


Well-Known Member
0kay...I know stupid thing to worry about, but have you guys ever encountered the situation where you on a date with a fine-ass girl, and then you smoke a j together....but then you left with this kak (shit) taste in your mouth, and when you make out with her after that, you can taste that poop in her mouth.....

Now I was wandering if any of you have come across a solution to that? apart from keeping a motherfuckin' toothbrush with you at all time or like chewing gum(coz that just worsens it for me...):shock::hump::spew:


Well-Known Member
Fuck dude...i said the mints make it worse.....it just makes it smell like a weed breath that been attempted to be covered by mint....


Well-Known Member
well after a J eat some ice cream or something. You will always taste the last thing in her mouth.

Yeah, just think about that for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Lolol...yeah probably cuz youre too fucked to actually notice....maybe i should mix the vodka and ice-cream, and keep that in a portable device that'll keep it cooled....oh yes...liking that idea


Well-Known Member
proudly you're on the right track. Offer her a drink called "Bong water". It's lemon Vodka, white rum, and a shot of cream (flavor is up to you as long as it goes with the lemon), and a finely rolled spliff. She'll be a plastic fuck doll in your bed playa!


Well-Known Member
Yep icecream is a very good cleaner of the palate...
I don;t envy my wife, she doesn't even smoke cigarettes... whereas I smoke about 20 cigis a day and probably 10 to 15 joints. Then again i guess we are long since the suck face stage...

But honestly I would take a weed breath over a monrning breath any day...


Well-Known Member
Hey put it this way its better to have some weed breath then to have Jiz breath! Thats when you have to slap a bitch if she wants to make out lol

....My advice find some kind of flavor gum that you can tolerate and chew it while you smoke. this is what i do and girls dont even think i smoke.


Well-Known Member
lololololol....seconds that man....gravy my man, i like that drink you mentioning will definitely write that shit down! plus combined with maybe a citrus-y weed in that J you mentioned.....mmm...mmm...mmmmm! fuck, anc dude, i rate there are quite a lot'f SA's on this site hey?