weed country

well thats what all motivational speakers aim to do lol..i just dont think i personally need that my eyes are and have been open already a long time now i believe a persons will leads them along their path..again id rather just find someone i personally think has serious wisdom, knowledge i can get from the internet..wisdom is harder to come by..i need a sort of mentor/older grower lol but a personal one who will bring me into their op and teach me much about nature and growing not to get something but because when you find "right" people thats whats right to do. why let wisdom leave the earth with you instead of passing it on to the right people?! but wow that is hard to find and i fully understand why with so many scummy people out to make a quick buck on this planet, money is evil!..ill be moving states soon maybe ill get lucky where people are a bit more open about this type of thing..i like how you see things man!!
havent you guys seen the series on the bootleggers... they makin the moonshine right on tv...aint nothin legal about moonshine

They have TV crews with the police and with the bootleggers.....Im like... how is this happening

regular corn moonshine is like $10 a gallon.... shit made from fruit like bannanas and such goes for $100 a gallon...dude made $30k in one setting (in less than a week)

So heres the deal. The guys on moonshiners actually make moonshine. Thing is they arent actually making it on camera. They are distilling water! They show everything about the process and and site locations but they are not giving up the real sites they use to make their shine. If they can shine legally they have a distillery like Tim is working on but none of these guys would ever film themselves committing a felony. Weed country on the other hand deals with growers that are 100% legal and legit grow operations. Of course they need to make it so it looks risky. Where would the entertainment value be in television if they didnt? Notice they make it look like the moonshiners are about to get caught but they never do. They make it look like the grow are getting busted but its always some back woods illegal grow. But I do love seeing them monster trees! We will watch any show about weed. haha
pisto, they proof the shine on camera. you cant get the bubbles like that with distilled water, not to mention they show them mixing and making mash that is also illegal its called journalistic protection. and what is being done in weed country is federally illegal, i dont believe how many of you cali guys use the its not illegal argument when it clearly is. im not saying i agree with the feds not respecting local laws like they should but it is not legal in any way on the federal level, and that was definitely shot in the usa.

the dispensary guy is scum and needs to get locked up all he talks about is money and filling the hole. white boy gets all ghetto when hes mad to, kinda redic. he dont care about the cause and as someone else said is the guy that votes against legalization, im just glad he has a gold digger to put him in his place.
ya pisto i like you view on it but i dont think they are faking a damn thing for a camera..i mean ive thought about filming an entire grow start to finish before and throwing it on youtube or whatever..people like to watch that shit and once its online if someone comes asking questions id already be clean..prove where i did that, prove it was actually my grow, prove that the video is even real :D ...money makes the world go around and if it costs more to bust you than the budget allows for then they will simply not pursue it, they may watch you, and it may kill them that they cant get you but i think thats how all these guys on the shows look at it.
pisto, they proof the shine on camera. you cant get the bubbles like that with distilled water, not to mention they show them mixing and making mash that is also illegal its called journalistic protection. and what is being done in weed country is federally illegal, i dont believe how many of you cali guys use the its not illegal argument when it clearly is. im not saying i agree with the feds not respecting local laws like they should but it is not legal in any way on the federal level, and that was definitely shot in the usa.

the dispensary guy is scum and needs to get locked up all he talks about is money and filling the hole. white boy gets all ghetto when hes mad to, kinda redic. he dont care about the cause and as someone else said is the guy that votes against legalization, im just glad he has a gold digger to put him in his place.

Im just sayin from a guy who knows a guy...haha...that those jars they shake to proof were not actually distilled at that site. All for drama. Even though they did make that whiskey. Im drinkin some now Yumm.

And yeah that dispensary (former) owner is a dumbass and only makes himself look like one grredy as fuck drivin a porsche SUV
i must add its never smart to put it in their face..they will try that much harder thats why i dont do anything illegal anymore until i get somewhere where my illegal but completely moral actions are somewhat protected..im sick of that burden of worry you have to have on your shoulders...unless coming here and talking about illegal stuff and giving people hypothetical advice is illegal lol that would be news to me though
I hope they do an indoor version for the follow up season, that would be sweet.
It's nice to see people who really care about their craft and doin it well, PPP!
i must add its never smart to put it in their face..they will try that much harder thats why i dont do anything illegal anymore until i get somewhere where my illegal but completely moral actions are somewhat protected..im sick of that burden of worry you have to have on your shoulders...unless coming here and talking about illegal stuff and giving people hypothetical advice is illegal lol that would be news to me though

Well I know you said hypothetical but if you give someone advice on an illegal grow that makes you an accessory.
It's a pretty stupid show. The only ones that don't seem shifty is the dude making medical mj , andd the old vietnam vet. The rest seem like tools.
I bet the dispensary dude on probation gets busted... he's a poser basically for lack of a better word. Being way too cocky trying to pull off the big time badass dealer role, when you can clearly tell he has no idea what the fuck he is doing and he's peacocking for the camera. Just showing up at some dude's house you don't even know to buy a few pounds of weed. Going on the mission in the first place with cops swarming his house. I understand he has to do his thing for money, but he is begging straight up challenging cops to come get him. You can bet he will get a well-deserved beating when the pigs do catch up with him. We will see how big those balls really are when he's in the prison showers with a frisky black hulk named molly.

The other guy that got ripped off making the CBDs for that kid is a douche too. And not that Jersey Shore haircut-like-a-funnel-cake kind of douche... more like that sissy ass fuck boy kind. It's great what he's doing, if he's really doing it for the kid and not in hopes of banging his mom. But he's like a little timid mouse pussyfootin around in his nancy ass SUV. Him and those brothers on American Weed too... it's like you have to be an annoying tool to be on a weed show for tv.
here is how i see it.lol They have edited and scripted the show so that you get a feel of every view point. For instance you have the cops obviously, The poverty (harvest to harvest) living grower, The passionate war vet who just wants to be at peace with his ladies, The geeky lab-rat grower who seeks the "meds" in the plant, and than you have the overall double douche who thinks he is donald trump, which in reality his own friends wont even back him. lmao The exposure is great so far, but how dumb is it going to get later on? or even season 2. Its just another half assed reality show with popular subject matter. And i agree with the person who said the show makes them wish it was summer. So pumped to get the farm going again this year!!!
Exactly! I said the same thing while watching it. It is entertaining, but about as close to "reality" as Amish Mafia
I also don't see what the big fuss over making a tincture filled with CBD's and free from the "high" for that kid. That is purely stigma - one of the benefits of the plant is the fact that it affects your mood and how your body feels - if you remove that from the plant it wouldn't be as effective. Yes CBD's are nature's miracle, however so is THC, and the two work together in fine unison
the show is good to see some good looking bud and keeps you entertained while its on, but it seems fake as all hell... but cant beat looking at the grows!
I bet the dispensary dude on probation gets busted... he's a poser basically for lack of a better word. Being way too cocky trying to pull off the big time badass dealer role, when you can clearly tell he has no idea what the fuck he is doing and he's peacocking for the camera. Just showing up at some dude's house you don't even know to buy a few pounds of weed. Going on the mission in the first place with cops swarming his house. I understand he has to do his thing for money, but he is begging straight up challenging cops to come get him. You can bet he will get a well-deserved beating when the pigs do catch up with him. We will see how big those balls really are when he's in the prison showers with a frisky black hulk named molly.

The other guy that got ripped off making the CBDs for that kid is a douche too. And not that Jersey Shore haircut-like-a-funnel-cake kind of douche... more like that sissy ass fuck boy kind. It's great what he's doing, if he's really doing it for the kid and not in hopes of banging his mom. But he's like a little timid mouse pussyfootin around in his nancy ass SUV. Him and those brothers on American Weed too... it's like you have to be an annoying tool to be on a weed show for tv.

True, Shotwell is a douche. He's basically forcing himself back into the industry. You don't show up at someone's place,
demand weed, and then get pissed off when he says he has no idea what you're talking about. Never set up time, place, date.
Dude is trying to shine bright, and I admire his sand, but I believe he is gonna get busted at some point soon.

Nate Morris is just a weed nerd. I can see him in 20-30 years driving around in his nancy ass suv with a big DR RX sign over
top of a big pot leaf. He will be the first sanctioned Weed Dr. So far I can tell he is book smart, but what about people smart?

All in all, no one needs people like Shotwell. I have never had a problem getting rid of weed. I'm sure Mike Boutin, who
has been doing this for 35 years, has never had a problem either.
I'm sorry, but most of you are just spewing bullshit and have no fucking idea what you are talking about. The journalist cant get in trouble because of the First Ammendment and shield laws. You ARE ALLOWED to gather and disseminate information even if the subject matter is illegal, its called freedom of speech. Also, not one fucking person on this thread has the slightest idea if this show is really scripted, it is ALL SPECULATION. I thought that you guys might appreciate a show that has a cannabis subject matter just based on the fact that we all grow, but it seems more like a lot of you are just ignorant motherfuckers who like to bash people based on facts that are more crooked than an LA cop in 1992.
High All, well I missed all the drama earlier this week :sad: So I'm now watching this weeks episode (on demand xfinity) and writing this as matt shotwell's explaining basically what a modern day american rebel he is??:spew: lol... "Yeah I'm breaking the law on television... SO WHAT????" :clap: :clap: sure you are mattie!! I dont believe any of it!!!:finger: I really do find him very EASY to dislike!:roll: the part with the "cops" might have some truth too it but all these others (growers) have all there correct paperwork and all there t"s crossed and I's dotted!!! or they wouldn't be on film!! PERIOD!!!:leaf: it's simply entertainment... now on with the show, whats in store for mattie the pot dealer!!! lol....... luv it.:clap:
I hate how Nate Morris (the dude extracting cbd's) calls the weed strains "strands" instead - ugh - wtf
I watched it.

Loved BE Smith's grows :)

The other guys were a bit on the dramatic side, very orchestrated show in general and the cops seemed to be pissing into the wind.
A Whole season and zero busts, only grows? Now that seems highly suspicious to me.
grace farms is a joke - those outdoor plants were not that impressive - although I am sure that was not the real farm - that was the one they planted for the show