Weed doesn't get me high?


Hello. I am sure that this question was posted here multiple times, but I want to create new thread, sorry.
So I'm 18 years old, female and I've smoked weed quite a lot of times (6 joints, 4 times with bong...) but it doesn't get me high. Problem is not the weed, because my friends get high with same weed while I don't.
Can someone explain to me why? And if there is any way to get me high.
(Please don't write things like "just stop smoking it and the problem is solved". I want to experience what is it like. I might also try lsd or shrooms).
Thank you in advance!
I did not get high when consuming cannabis (smoking) from age 12-13. My friends were all "stoned" and I felt stupid because I didn't feel any different.

Then one day, out of nowhere, it hit like a flash, instantly. I can remember vividly everything and the words that came from my mouth.. "I feel like I'm in a movie".

Keep puffin' if you're really curious, I dunno why for some of us it doesn't hit right away.
I did not get high when consuming cannabis (smoking) from age 12-13. My friends were all "stoned" and I felt stupid because I didn't feel any different.

Then one day, out of nowhere, it hit like a flash, instantly. I can remember vividly everything and the words that came from my mouth.. "I feel like I'm in a movie".

Keep puffin' if you're really curious, I dunno why for some of us it doesn't hit right away.
Wow that's interesting, dude.
Okay, thanks a lot!
Do you have a medical problem or pain or something? I have a partial disability and weed does not get me high until it fixes my medical problems. It is as if weed is smart enough to fix you before getting you high?
Do you have a medical problem or pain or something? I have a partial disability and weed does not get me high until it fixes my medical problems. It is as if weed is smart enough to fix you before getting you high?
Nah, I am quite healthy so I don't believe that would be the problem
Nah, I am quite healthy so I don't believe that would be the problem
Simply try different strains, pot affects different people differently. My nephew gets couch locked on Sativa and Uplifting from from Indica which is opposite of most folks
Did nobody else not get high the first several times smoking? Maybe we are uniquely a minority in that regard.
Ever try pot brownies or anything that has weed in it? That usually gets the job done, sometimes alittle TOO done hahah that should kick you on your ass
Btw nice splits are you a gymnast or something?
I'll try some edibles in next few days and I'll report to you guys if it does anything :)
The funny thing is I get very drunk from drinking 2 beers, but no amount of weed has effect on me