Weed guardians family tree? not for me

well there selection is trash. if anything the prices are far above what you can get from seedsman or glg or even neptune. the breeder selection is mids at best. you seem pretty comfortable defending these guys and seeing how small their outfit is leads me to believe your a company man trying to keep some semblance of credit in an industry where the reviews can make or break your business. but since you want to make this about me sure. id much rather get seeds from somewhere else..but that's just me
...there was no need to resurrect this old dead thread .. welcome to RIU.
You know what.... you're right! I'm going to stop supporting them. Thanks for setting me straight. Whew close call there huh?! Anyways keep on having such a solid day. Thank you for the kind welcome! Blessing to you and may you continue to have such a bright a happy New Year
its not you I'm worried about. its those who lurk the forums who are constantly bombarded with false information by "new members" and sock puppets. forgive me for trying to defend those who may not want to part so quickly with their hard earned cash . people take others reviews seriously and honestly its not the first time people embed their sales tactics into these threads in hopes of fishing out idiots. if your truly a real person I apologize but if you'd been around long enough you'd know there's plenty of snake oil and tricksters in an unregulated market and the power of these forums drives alot in that industry. its more likely someone will read further into the suppliers alot of cash grabs happening this year.
its not you I'm worried about. its those who lurk the forums who are constantly bombarded with false information by "new members" and sock puppets. forgive me for trying to defend those who may not want to part so quickly with their hard earned cash . people take others reviews seriously and honestly its not the first time people embed their sales tactics into these threads in hopes of fishing out idiots. if your truly a real person I apologize but if you'd been around long enough you'd know there's plenty of snake oil and tricksters in an unregulated market and the power of these forums drives alot in that industry. its more likely someone will read further into the suppliers alot of cash grabs happening this year.
All B.S aside, I only started R.I.U today as a distraction. I felt it was a good place away from the I.G and stuff. They always remove posts anyways and censor. In life im a passionate Cannabis lover and yes I do support W.G.F.T. My comment wasnt meant to start anything but I suppose I could have just kept to myself all togeher. Just felt off to read the review but I understand everyone is entitled to their experiences and opinion. I think I spent about 10 mins reading forums on my fav breeders and events but noticed there was a lot of negativity on the fourm... like alot, I suppose it just got to me when I saw the W.G.F.T post. I'm a fast learner and after going through the site am begining to get a better feel of it and how people respond. I understand what you mean about the tricksters in this industry. Many just around for the new opportunity. Without sounding like a sellsman again though, I have personally met and spoke with these people at W.G.F.T. They have a solid standing for sure. They only work with breeders thay have personal relationships with. Check out their videos of storming state reps offices and marching the streets with Norml. For me that tells me what they stand for. Plus they have alot of West coast and PNW breeders which for me means alot. Either way I can say this industry offers many good ones and many more bad ones. All we can do is stand along each other and try to sift through the muck. See you through the forums! Again sorry for any tension.
Weed guardians family trees customer service has been going south fast. Over the last 5-6 moths I’ve ordered from them way too often and every order takes longer to ship than the previous one. An order I made a month or so ago took forever to ship too. Turns out it was a presale but they didn’t say that when I made the purchase. Then I made my last order 12 days ago and it still hasn’t shipped. I emailed them a couple days ago asking what’s up and to let them know most banks ship within a day or two. They responded with: “ how nice for our competitors they must not be as busy as we are”. I responded, they’re probably busier because they hired enough staff to maintain a reasonable level of customer service. Haven’t heard back and still haven’t shipped my beans. I used to recommend them but now I’m warning people about them.
I ordered from sapphire and Neptune 3 days after the wgft order. Both made it here in 3 days and are already sprouted with 3 finger leaves.
100% agree with you here. This seed bank is shady as fuck and when you say anything about them they try to throw shade at you for being a negative person and hit you with sarcastic comments. Terrible customer service and I won’t be spending my hard earned dollars on their seeds anymore.
100% agree with you here. This seed bank is shady as fuck and when you say anything about them they try to throw shade at you for being a negative person and hit you with sarcastic comments. Terrible customer service and I won’t be spending my hard earned dollars on their seeds anymore.
I’d take it up with @CaliGuy420710 , he’s running that seedbank from the woods behind the Eureka Wal mart
Without a doubt in my mind that “Cali guy” is associated with this seed bank
100% agree with you here. This seed bank is shady as fuck and when you say anything about them they try to throw shade at you for being a negative person and hit you with sarcastic comments. Terrible customer service and I won’t be spending my hard earned dollars on their seeds anymore.
With a standing like theirs one less aweful person wont hurt. And of course I stand with W.G.F.T! They have done more for the community than most.! 20 years in the game I'm sure ALOT of people are associated with them.Just look at their history. Have you seen there lastest work with Ed? Or grow mag? For real you have to be from under a rock. At this point im for sure bringing this fun thread to their attention. Knowing them it will be brushed off but as a loyal customer I cant just let this sit. Sad to see such good people bashed with zero merit or proof from the haters. Sure is alot of proof about all the good they do though.....hmmm curious.
100% agree with you here. This seed bank is shady as fuck and when you say anything about them they try to throw shade at you for being a negative person and hit you with sarcastic comments. Terrible customer service and I won’t be spending my hard earned dollars on their seeds anymore.
Please provide proof of this shadyness! Also who would work with them if they were shady? Arent they exclusive with selective breeders? Wouldnt that make those breeders shady? So many questions and I bring them to your attention because you seem to know so much! The crowd awaits your proof...
I WISH! You see the Lambo W.G.F.T drives lol! Seems this small forum of keyboard warriors is the only ones that feel the way you do. Lol. I'm supporting those REALS till the end! W.G.F.T if you read this, its me Kevin P. I got your back! W.G.F.T for life!!!
You’re definitely a shill. No one in Cali uses them, quit trying to act like they’re hometown heroes. There’s plenty of go to banks in California, they don’t even make the honorable mention list.
You’re definitely a shill. No one in Cali uses them, quit trying to act like they’re hometown heroes. There’s plenty of go to banks in California, they don’t even make the honorable mention list.
A shill? Nope just a very bored guy watching a bunch of no ones hate one those who have done something for themselves and thousands of others. Whats any of what you said matter?Also thats where you're wrong! Everything they do is BEYOND. They work selectivly with the best. Your wetness is showing.... Why argue about it, check it yourself...
You’re definitely a shill. No one in Cali uses them, quit trying to act like they’re hometown heroes. There’s plenty of go to banks in California, they don’t even make the honorable mention list.
Also everyone here in NoCal and SoCal use them. They work with Jungle Boys guy get a clue! Not to mention like 3 other Cali breeders. I have a towel if you need to dry up.
Also everyone here in NoCal and SoCal use them. They work with Jungle Boys guy get a clue! Not to mention like 3 other Cali breeders. I have a towel if you need to dry up.
You need to dry up, fool...you’re obviously buttwet over a seed company. I’m from Northern California, but I’m having doubts that you are, you don’t talk NorCal (not NoCal), you don’t act NorCal. You come off Hollywood to me, you have that entitled type of energy.
You need to dry up, fool...you’re obviously buttwet over a seed company. I’m from Northern California, but I’m having doubts that you are, you don’t talk NorCal (not NoCal), you don’t act NorCal. You come off Hollywood to me, you have that entitled type of energy.
Well I guess you must be right then. Dude you're good! Dialed me down to the T! I'm def not from NorCal, Im actually next to Echo Park. On the swan rides as we speak. And yes I LOVE THAT BANK! Great people dont deserve other bad mouthing them with zero idea of who or what they have done. Since the energy in this thread is irrantional and ludacris I feel theres no other way to behave. Take note all of you are talking shit about those who help make your legal dreams true.But again you all wouldnt know. WETTTTTTT!!!!! I plan on smoking this outdoor Iand tanning my bunghole all day so please feel free to jump in. I'll be waiting :) Bowls,tans, and Roll It Up! Gonna be a good day today!!!!