Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

OK wait a second. Stop yelling, stranger. You must ignore the naysayers. I forget who said it but someone said sleeping like that is a sign of depression and they're right. First of all, Prozac works over a period of time. You won't notice that it's helping. One of the biggest issues with Prozac is people taking themselves off of it because they either think it's not working or they think it's worked so well they don't need it anymore. Take. Your. Prozac. Every day, like your doctor prescribed it. Depression is a medical condition and it can be very serious.

About your sleeping...it could be many, many things and all you're seeing is the weed. Try opening your windows more and being in the sunlight. I'm not being a smartass, the vitamin D will help you wake up. If it really is the weed, though, there isn't much you can do except live with it or stop smoking. But I would try other avenues before giving up on such a fun little hobby.

The first step in solving a problem is to find the problem...

Sounds like your problem is weed

WEED.... Or its your scape goat.. Sorry, either way, that sucks..

I smoke tobacco, It winds me, Makes me cough and Yes tobacco can suck your energy, But I don't think that's your issue.. To solve my problems I should quite tobacco..

To solve your problems you should?...
hmmm, what if you were to figure out a way to be mildly shocked when its time to wake up do you think it would help? have someone come by your house every morning and zap your ass with a stun gun till you wake up?
Ahhhhh..you love it, like it and use it for a medical reason. doesn't seem like your going to quite using anytime soon.
you need to just cut down on your smoking.
do low maintenance doses.
it seem like ppl use depression now a days to be bums and not do shit with there lifes your 18 life cant be that bad like i said just man up and make shit happen instead of bitching about it you dont like what i have to say keep it moving lol
People don't use depression to be bum's. It's an actual disease. Have some empathy for people.
If you smoke pot and sleep all day for a week and can't get a girlfriend why care about your sex drive and stop taking your prescribed medicine..?

And it is clear you made your choice to be a lazy stoner instead of getting up and seizing life by balls... your loss mate...
Another thing is, you said you stopped for a while and you were waking up every day and all that good stuff. That could just be your body experiencing a change in it's normal routine. You don't know if that would soon turn back to you sleeping again, even if you didn't smoke. Which would fit right in with depression. Small changes distract your body but then he depression comes back and you end up sleeping all day again.
People don't use depression to be bum's. It's an actual disease. Have some empathy for people.

It's kinda like fat people and thyroid problems tho... yeah some people are big because of problems with their thyroid... but most of them are just too fucking lazy and don't give a shit about doing the best with their life that they can...
it seem like ppl use depression now a days to be bums and not do shit with there lifes your 18 life cant be that bad like i said just man up and make shit happen instead of bitching about it you dont like what i have to say keep it moving lol

I understand where your coming from man and I know I sound pathetic - I just really want to move on with my life..
It's kinda like fat people and thyroid problems tho... yeah some people are big because of problems with their thyroid... but most of them are just too fucking lazy and don't give a shit about doing the best with their life that they can...

OMG I was just thinking about that lol. I have a severly hypoactive thyroid and I haaaaate it when some 350 pound person say they're only that heavy because of their thyroid. Makes me apeshit. I'm not 350 pounds and my thyroid's function is completely dependent on medication.
It's kinda like fat people and thyroid problems tho... yeah some people are big because of problems with their thyroid... but most of them are just too fucking lazy and don't give a shit about doing the best with their life that they can...
What are you refering to exactly, being fat or depressed?
I understand where your coming from man and I know I sound pathetic - I just really want to move on with my life..

In 1976 I realized pot was interfering with my life. I stopped. I missed it at first and then I got so involved with my life I forgot about it. Stop the pot some people can not handle it. It's your life and you know you need to stop. You said so much yourself. So just stop. After you have your life constructed pot will still be there for you. But at 18 and on the threshold of your life put the pot down and go make your own life. If you do this in a very short amount of time pot will be the furthest thing from your mind.

Some people can not balance things well. I was one. I'm doing better now but I'm also retired. I wish you well and really hope you'll put down the cannabis, for yourself.
sorry for the lazy comment i was just being an ass... but I do agree with everyone on the sleep and depression connection. Bottom line is YOU have to get yourself motivated... I think a dog is a great idea!!! good luck stay high