Weed in Canada has ZERO value

Also the 9/10 agree thing..you didnt see the ctv poll that said the opposite get removed off live news.. wow shill. Hope your ready for the impending civil war that you yourself are creating and spreading. Youd be the reason the trucker protrst would go violent 100% people like you are poison. As if you call yourself a hippy. Your an absolute lie.

Sensoring people..in the name of spreading false information is limiting free speech to support a narrative.

Im more scared of the vaxxed tbh. They hold back the symptoms better ..feel they dont need to mask because of this media protection theyve built towards it.the only one protected is the manufacturers hahahaha.Could be positive and have no idea. Talk about super spreaders no? Lol.
Okay mr 2 or more cormorbities . . You keep your medicine. I Have all of mine. Havnt been to the hospital once. Been sick heavy fever and chills in early 2020. Nothing since..
Stats are padded to support the narrative you shill.

You think the people that governs us dont want the divide. Your oblivious. It supports there narrative. Rub trudeaus balls some more..gargle his kids down ur throat to my guy.

Also the covid positives also padded as the vaxxed arnt required to test frequently. Ie: rapid testing. Of course unvax will be higher

My hospitals are fucking empty my guy.

The only people there are the vaxxed hypochondriacs and elderly.

Its flu season.

Get real.

If you read anything i write

Go to the governement of canadas website.

Look up fiscal update. Downloqd newest pdf. The most recent one has vaccine procurement for 2026 above 500m.for pandemic prepardness. Its not over till everyone is full retard i guess.

Sounds like theyve preorder your meds for you.

Have fun.
Hasn't really divided me. It's only pointed out that 1 in 10 people are rather dim witted and stupid. But I basically knew that already anyway. This has only flushed em out so the rest of us can have a good laugh.
I got vaccinated as child for other stuff too. Weren't you? I assume you were as most folks are. But now your extensive medical training has lead you to the conclusion...any more vaccinations will allow the government to control your weak and easily influence mind. Whatcha afraid they gonna cum n git cha in the middle of the nite?
It's the realy stupid mostly dying currently and it's hard not to feel zero for em. Remember your choices...enjoy them.
I'm feeling fine actually.
Also the 9/10 agree thing..you didnt see the ctv poll that said the opposite get removed off live news.. wow shill. Hope your ready for the impending civil war that you yourself are creating and spreading. Youd be the reason the trucker protrst would go violent 100% people like you are poison. As if you call yourself a hippy. Your an absolute lie.

Sensoring people..in the name of spreading false information is limiting free speech to support a narrative.

Im more scared of the vaxxed tbh. They hold back the symptoms better ..feel they dont need to mask because of this media protection theyve built towards it.the only one protected is the manufacturers hahahaha.Could be positive and have no idea. Talk about super spreaders no? Lol.
You gonna start a civil war are ya. Too funny. You otta do well out numbered 10 to 1 fool. You anti's are really low IQ aren't ya's? It's like a Hillbilly convention.
No bodying is censoring you. It's called being laughed at by the majority. A few moron standing in the cold waving less than 4% of an industry on is no accomplishment ya know? If it would have interested me at all they would have seen both my middle fingers in the air for them. And what good would it do me?
Remember big Mr. anti vaxer know it all your out numbered 9 to one. So while you stand there running a fever thinking your delusional thoughts there will be 9 of us guys standing around you asking you what your fucking problem is pal.
Anyway if you get sick from this you'll run off to the hospital like a big crying baby begging for help like the rest of ya's do.
If you don't mid I'll listen to all the worlds smartest medical experts as apposed to a rube like you. What do you do....sell shoes?.......Al Bundy
So your just regurgitating the same shit MSM has been trying to convince you of..and you just mixed them all together..its hilarious and stupid.
Luckily there are people like you, always ahead of the curve, always here to help and to educate us dimwits.

So many virologists out there, I really was not aware that medicine and molecular biology was so popular. It's great that finally all those self-taught virology-enthusiasts get to apply their knowledge and help us all get out of this mess.

What a bummer I haven't met you earlier, now that I've had my third shot; what a waste.
the most populous and largely unvaccinated countries of the global south are where the variants spawn and then travel back around the globe to wipe out unvaccinated people in the rich countries who horded the vaccines for profit and spread misinformation about it

btw, cuba is over 80% totally vaxxed and is about to send millions of doses of their own highly effective and soon to be w.h.o. approved vaccine to some of these countries. this in spite of the decades old us embargo that has made it very difficult for them to get the supplies needed to manufacture and develop the vaccines

the killing power of delta and the contagion of omicron in one variant awaits us all otherwise
Seriously, that is the least of my concerns. I've vaped as well but then for some reason dropped it (it wasn't the douchebag reason). I guess I should take it up again.

The best way is to simply neither smoke nor vape. But better vape than smoke for sure.

I'm a very impulsive addiction smoker. When there are no smokers around (e.g. I visit my mom who does not smoke), I can actually stay away from tobacco entirely. Not so with enablers in the vicinity (i.e. other smokers). It's crazy. And I don't blame the enablers, it's my own sad weakness.

Good on you.

It's true how quickly one does feel better when not smoking for a while. It's a truly hideous addiction.
Please stop beating yourself up. Accept that it's extremely addictive & you will have very strong urges. That's normal, not weak. Will power is limited in everyone.

I say these things because studies have shown that makes it easier to resist those urges in this manner.
Vaxed, unvaxed... who gives a shit? Just shut the fuck up and make your decision like a man and quit whing about mine like a l'il bitch.

Not nom nom, I eat vaxes for fucking breakfast.

Legalization in this country was flawed from the start. They didn't legalize cannabis because it was the right thing to do and embrace the cannabis community, instead they doubled down on stereotypes and locked those who built the market out. So instead of those who knew the business building a sustainable market they started out in direct competition and the prevailing attitude was "if we can't participate, we'll burn this bitch to the ground". Now we have the legacy members leaving a collapsed market... some rich,...some poor.

None of this means anything to those that didn't grow up in the illegal market though. Its like growing up with the internet, you just take it for granted because you know nothing different. In a world where most newbies prefer concentrates, pens and edibles anyway, the art of growing will fade and likely be replaced by some test tube method of THC production. I think it's sad, but weed is being left behind for a large chunk of the market. I see no return to "normal", and the pandemic has accelerated what was onlyna few years down the road anyway.
what are the 5 star genetics up there in Canada that are not Cali overhype Purple Mids .... Pre 9/11 I used to get the dankest and most potent dank from Canada down here in SoCal... You guys had legendary genetics that blow the Local SoCal Hype of the week out of the water...
the art of growing will fade and likely be replaced by some test tube method of THC production
The art of "growing" is actually the art of breeding; that's 90% of the work. Only legalization creates the environment where breeders can exist and exciting new genetics can appear.

If that will happen in a "test tube" in the future, we will see (I could not care less, just send me the seeds). Bruce Bugbee says that when Cannabis goes federally legal in the US, this will change everything, and he then expects a ton of research and a lot of advances genetically.

Growing the stuff has been, and will always be, the easiest part. Almost anybody can grow their own "fire" if you give them good genetics and some instructions. Of course a lot of people are just too lenient or lazy and they will have to keep buying.

I like to compare it to making coffee. Getting your hands on actually good coffee is the difficult part. Preparing it for consumption is then easy. It's something you can mess up, and something you can spend a lot of money on ($2,500 espresso machine), or only a little ($30 AeroPress), but it really makes no difference if your coffee is garbage to begin with. There's no salvaging garbage coffee (which is practically everything below $25/kg).
The art of "growing" is actually the art of breeding; that's 90% of the work. Only legalization creates the environment where breeders can exist and exciting new genetics can appear.

If that will happen in a "test tube" in the future, we will see (I could not care less, just send me the seeds). Bruce Bugbee says that when Cannabis goes federally legal in the US, this will change everything, and he then expects a ton of research and a lot of advances genetically.

Growing the stuff has been, and will always be, the easiest part. Almost anybody can grow their own "fire" if you give them good genetics and some instructions. Of course a lot of people are just too lenient or lazy and they will have to keep buying.

I like to compare it to making coffee. Getting your hands on actually good coffee is the difficult part. Preparing it for consumption is then easy. It's something you can mess up, and something you can spend a lot of money on ($2,500 espresso machine), or only a little ($30 AeroPress), but it really makes no difference if your coffee is garbage to begin with. There's no salvaging garbage coffee (which is practically everything below $25/kg).

Dude, they're already producing THC and CBD using bacteria. It can be produced at a fraction of the cost of growing pot and making concentrates. Where you been? Lol.

Also, any idiot with a light leak can "breed" cannabis. Lol @ the art of reversing hype cutz to pollinate other hype cutz. The breeding happened 25 years ago, now it's just recycling chems, OGs and cookie hybrids and calling them stupid names.
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Also, any idiot with a light leak can "breed" cannabis.
Most "idiots" can not even take a plant from seed to harvest. Just browse this very place.

You're right in that a lot of the ground work has been laid some time ago, but that does not mean that you cannot go from there.

What you mentioned is not "breeding", it's "seed making". I'm not talking about that.

I'm talking about companies like AceSeeds, who make several years of an effort to create an actually stabilized CBD cultivar @16+%. Or feats like the old school breeders from NL pulled off, going as far as scouring Afghanistan for seeds; then proceeding with selective breeding for years.

It's still possible, but only if you can do it in the open.
Most "idiots" can not even take a plant from seed to harvest. Just browse this very place.

You're right in that a lot of the ground work has been laid some time ago, but that does not mean that you cannot go from there.

What you mentioned is not "breeding", it's "seed making". I'm not talking about that.

I'm talking about companies like AceSeeds, who make several years of an effort to create an actually stabilized CBD cultivar @16+%. Or feats like the old school breeders from NL pulled off, going as far as scouring Afghanistan for seeds; then proceeding with selective breeding for years.

It's still possible, but only if you can do it in the open.

That was back when people had patience, does that even exist now? Seriously, dude, people have basically said no to regular seeds because of the inconvenience of males. Fuck, look at the popularity of shitty autos with the kidz these days. They cant even be bothered to change the light cycle for fuck sakes. Years long breeding projects are a thing of the past, the business model has changed.

Cannabis will be legalized everywhere once the corporations find a way to control the market like they have in Canada. You can pretty well expect legalization to be worse everywhere else, because they will have learned from our mistakes and closed the loopholes. You can be guaranteed one thing for certain, governments will never just do the right thing and legalize it for their peoples, it will be for their corporate masters.
That was back when people had patience, does that even exist now? Seriously, dude, people have basically said no to regular seeds because of the inconvenience of males. Fuck, look at the popularity of shitty autos with the kidz these days. They cant even be bothered to change the light cycle for fuck sakes. Years long breeding projects are a thing of the past, the business model has changed.

Cannabis will be legalized everywhere once the corporations find a way to control the market like they have in Canada. You can pretty well expect legalization to be worse everywhere else, because they will have learned from our mistakes and closed the loopholes. You can be guaranteed one thing for certain, governments will never just do the right thing and legalize it for their peoples, it will be for their corporate masters.

I can't say for other parts of the world but the way weed was treated in Canada I don't think it will ever take off as a product that you can succesfually run a retail business on and make a living at least not if dont you have deep pockets to keep propping up your dispensary. I can see if OZ of really good stuff went for $100/oz or less at legal dispensaries but maybe in a generation or so when the new generation doesn't know about weed history and the growers that made it.
Please remind me what's the dead-line for UN's utopia of a worled without smoke...

Maybe Canada was just a prototype of what's next to come for real, say around 2050 in UN's eye. We don't hear from then nor about them but the enemy has never stopped their march, one that transcends generations and memories.
There will never be a age of the black market again, as once was. BC was the ‘perfect storm’ region that was on the forefront of the worlds use. Hence why the best cultivars from around the world showed up on our doorsteps. No one toys with the biggest pay check/smallest pay check chance from messing with unknown genetics. Seeds have their place being fem or reg, but sure as shit seeds are not used to just pop a seed / grow the plant= get the best result. Seed is for hunting numbers, and the bigger the number of seeds hunted, the better plant you will windup with to create that mother stock. If you can acquire one of the legendary pre legal lies clone only’s, self it to itself and create S1 stock, then you have gold.
People are about to have a new shockers soon. Just went to load up on some fertliazers I was short on and a few I needed for an order and
holy fuck things went up in price from two weeks ago. MKP and Potassium Nitrate went up about $25+ per bag and Plant Prod MJ 15KG each mix went up at least $30 per bag. 44% increase overnight is crazy.

Jack 5-12-26 only went up $4 per bag. Will see next week how other Jacks dry fertilizers go up up in price.

Wondering what this will do for greenhouse grown food this summer price wise at the store or farmers market.
People are about to have a new shockers soon. Just went to load up on some fertliazers I was short on and a few I needed for an order and
holy fuck things went up in price from two weeks ago. MKP and Potassium Nitrate went up about $25+ per bag and Plant Prod MJ 15KG each mix went up at least $30 per bag. 44% increase overnight is crazy.

Jack 5-12-26 only went up $4 per bag. Will see next week how other Jacks dry fertilizers go up up in price.

Wondering what this will do for greenhouse grown food this summer price wise at the store or farmers market.
Not surprised as the "grab more" is on for just about everything we buy currently. Everyone is grabbing what they can in increases currently under the "supply issues" story.
I don't buy all the bullshit spewed out there currently. I do think their is a huge greed factor present right now.
They blame everything for all increases other than "we simply want more" reason.
I am stunned at all the excuses they use for gas price increases. Anything happens anywhere and somehow my gas price increases. How convenient.