Weed in Canada has ZERO value

Well, i need help. ...i think! :roll:

The Hexo/Hydropothecary 355 ml "Mollo 5" drink sells 6 $ in Québec and it's marked exactly as follows:

« Contains the equivalent of 5.07 g of dried cannabis. »
Which just makes ZERO sense indeed as i sensed absolutely nothing,
sounds they didn't decarb the stuff beforeahead lol
Salutations Kassiopeija,

Hummm... But how could people greedy this much even forget about "activation"? :eyesmoke:

Anyway, checking with gold calculators on Google i found values around 70+ $/g or 2220 $/oz t (CAD) - and talking of the main activated "buzz" molecule i should also have mentioned our SQdC actually charges for CBD too, which is half the amount in this peculiar case!


So, how do you like it knowing CBD used to have ZERO value just a few years ago?! Or at least via former suppliers who provided home delivery plus a fair bit of before-buy sampling, that is!


Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Salutations Kassiopeija,

Hummm... But how could people greedy this much even forget about "activation"? :eyesmoke:

Anyway, checking with gold calculators on Google i found values around 70+ $/g or 2220 $/oz t (CAD) - and talking of the main activated "buzz" molecule i should also have mentioned our SQdC actually charges for CBD too, which is half the amount in this peculiar case!


So, how do you like it knowing CBD used to have ZERO value just a few years ago?! Or at least via former suppliers who provided home delivery plus a fair bit of before-buy sampling, that is!


Good day, have fun!! :peace:
I don't know but 6$ for 5gr weed equivalence rather sounds like a price-dump to me. Moreso, if you want to make profit then calculated cost for ingredients should actually not even cross 1-2$ as there are other costs associated with its marketing, wages, taxes etc pp

And if these 5gr is just plant material at, say, low 10% THCA, that may still add up to 500mg THC totally - doubtful anyone could ingest such a dramatic overdose without noticing any psychoactive effect. Even at extreme tolerance you'd feel something.
I don't know but 6$ for 5gr weed equivalence rather sounds like a price-dump to me. Moreso, if you want to make profit then calculated cost for ingredients should actually not even cross 1-2$ as there are other costs associated with its marketing, wages, taxes etc pp

And if these 5gr is just plant material at, say, low 10% THCA, that may still add up to 500mg THC totally - doubtful anyone could ingest such a dramatic overdose without noticing any psychoactive effect. Even at extreme tolerance you'd feel something.

They didn't say flower...
It's strictly based on beverage volume.

355mL = 5.07g of dried flower

Has nothing to do with the contents, it's about legal equivalencies for purchase limits and possession limits.

Whether that can has 100mg of THC or 1mg of THC, the equivalent is 5.07g of dried flower. That's why you can't purchase a 6-pack of the standard 355mL cans as it would be over the 30g limit.
Hi again everyone,

...sounds like a price-dump...

Actually the word "dump" feels quite appropriate when used alone... ;)

They didn't say flower...

Even more appropriate observation! :rolleyes:

Not sure where these numbers are coming from.

Well, addictionnists-abstentionnists have been put in control right from the start. Maybe that's exactly why the figures look odd...

...nothing to do with the contents...

Or the contents got nothing to do with customers expectations despite some flim-flam label, a bit like buying strawberry ice cream that has no strawberries in it, but then i must point out part of SQdC's description still reads exactly as follows anyway:

« This beverage may spark a desire to be around others and may create a feeling of joy. Allergy warning: this product contains barley. CAUTION! The effects may take up to 60 minutes to appear and may last up to 8 hours or occasionally longer. »

One way or another calculations include half the stated weight as CBD and those limits were supposed to "save" children while essentially fighting "asian mafia" - 98 % of it, according to a statement of Pascal Robidas on RDi Matin/Radio-Canada (2018-Feb-26)!


In other words that's all a pile of crap because CBD should sell besides letuce in the 1st place and hence there's just no financial incentives even if such inflated price-tags lure customers to conclude otherwise. Not to mention the rest, like "neuro-plasticity" supposed to be IRREVERSIBLE (e.g. if one ever dares trust the psy community on cannabis)...

So the short version would be that's dump shit indeed! :hump: Plus a generous amount of propaganda seasoning IMHO.

Thank you all!! :peace:
So it was time to get of my ass and clean my shop and while cleaning some of the shelves I was like WTF is this? Lol 1/2lb of weed hiding I didn't know I had. Must have been there for months as the side facing llight is brownish and side facing the dark is more green ish lol


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So it was time to get of my ass and clean my shop and while cleaning some of the shelves I was like WTF is this? Lol 1/2lb of weed hiding I didn't know I had. Must have been there for months as the side facing llight is brownish and side facing the dark is more green ish lol
Gotta love the ol' lost and found bag. Lol.
If I could tell 17 yr old me 'one day you'll have so much weed you'll loose qps and HP's and not even notice until months later' 17 year old me would prob bust a nut
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Are the prices still dropping?

They can't go any lower lol. Have to wait more month to see what happens with the border open. Aparently been told some large quantity buyers are in town but who knows if its try and they aint gonna pay any decent.
Should've done this in the first place, but whatever. I like this idea a lot.

Bill 80, the Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2021, was tabled on November 4, and includes language that would remove the AGLC’s own online cannabis sales platform, instead allowing private retailers to fill this role.

New legislation tabled in Alberta could, if passed, allow private retailers to sell cannabis online.

New bill in Alberta could shift online sales from AGLC to private retailers - StratCann
Not sure many retailers can afford to sell online and mail it out. I believe cheapest package mailout from CP is around $9 for business rate including signature and 18+ ID verification.

Profit margins for retailers are slim enough as it is.
They can't go any lower lol. Have to wait more month to see what happens with the border open. Aparently been told some large quantity buyers are in town but who knows if its try and they aint gonna pay any decent.
Hmm. That sucks.
I was told in Toronto lb's of very nice high end is attainable for $650.
I think this has tapped out now for bottom pricing.
I still see some vendor trying to get $1800 still. WTF ....Can't believe they advertise it at that nuttsy high price.
Not sure many retailers can afford to sell online and mail it out. I believe cheapest package mailout from CP is around $9 for business rate including signature and 18+ ID verification.

Profit margins for retailers are slim enough as it is.

I'm curious what other changes could possibly come into effect if the bill is passed. Wouldn't getting it straight from the source(s)d be much like ordering from the gray market? I's hope it would help cut down the tax burden some way. I don't follow this kinda stuff too much.
You can buy decent ounces in this town for $40. CAD
Yeahi gotta take your word for it but like the other guy said, i cant grow an ounce at that pricepoint stateside so good luck to canadian growers but theoretically i could sustain at a $200. Not saying i sell my homegrown. Unless they are growing large plants outdoors,40$ ounces is low for mexican brick weed.
Do you guys think the black market will ever bounce back or do you guys think it's pretty much a done deal now?
The BM will always exist, just that the gov't is doing their best to crush it where they can. Let's not forget the legal market is only posting, like, 1.2B in sales across all companies in the country. The total market a few years ago was estimated at least $5B. So, I'm going to assume the BM has the rest of that share.