weed in hanging baskets


Active Member
Hey peeps, have a problem, think i know what it is and theres nothing i can really do help.

but just in case id say it to you have 2 weeds plants in a hanging basket one is nearly 2 foot the other is a little over a foot.
there about 3 to 4 months old and live in a hanging basket but bugs keep landing on them but they dont seem to bother the plant they just seem to sit on it.

but the leaves on the bottom turned yellow and dies so i cut them of and know the leaves above them are the same the top of the plant is real healthy just the bottom half of the plants arnt great, the seeds were from bag seed def from a sativa variety somewhere across the line but i cant reallly move the plant or anything because its in a hanging basket ill upload pics in a while to give you more of an idea


Active Member
Those plants wont get much bigger than they are now there roots dont have enough space to branch out. They are probably getting root bound in that pot with two in there. if you want a big plant that produces good they need there own pot and a good size pot at that like a 5 gallon pot would work but as old as they are they should be three times that size they would have been better off in the ground with a dug hole and some soil. When ive been lazy and neglect to transplant to a bigger pot problems always arise with the bottom leaves dying and other such problems. try to seperate them and put them in there own pot and if you cant seperate them stick them in a big pot like a 10 gallon pot. Go buy yourself a good bag of soil and a big pot and those plants should grow more i would try to train them so there not growing into each other pull them away from each other and tie them down if you can. I think thats your best bet.


Active Member
the buds will be all fluffy and you wont get much from either of them find a spot dig a hole and plant them in the ground with some soil