weed paranoia?


stays relevant.
I don't usually get it unless I take sativa canna pills... I like the paranoia after i'm sober, because it's hilarious- but when im high it sucks.

Nothing worse than paranoia, racing heartbeat, fears of death, and the sound of helicopters all going at once.



Well-Known Member
Y'know d.rat, I'm of two minds on this.

One, I says go with your gut. Paranoia has saved my grits on more than one occasion...and provided comic relief for many more.

Two, I says t-shirt? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I assume you live in America. If not, then who knows wtf you're in for if you get caught. I've worn t-shirts that've said some pretty onery things...it's just a t-shirt. Many people will not even notice you have something written on it becuase, it's just a frikkin t-shirt.

I remember when dre/snoop hit in 93...I had a chronic leaf on every hat I owned. My mom told me how retarded I was and how I was going to get in trouble, advertising my criminality.

I never once had a cop do a double take and be like, 'hey you with the hat! come over here and let me see if you got any of that reefer on you...' Of course, they'd always yell when I'd drive off in their patrol car, hat or no.

Basically, you're feeling like you may get popped b/c someone will see the shirt, get it, make the stretch, be correct (cause imagine an otherwise upright individual making a FALSE accusation: 'she's wearing a shirt and so she must grow pot!' Chill...I got it from my hippie uncle in frisco...) and then want to rat you out for 'alternative horticulture'...it just seems farfetched to me, so yeah...I think you're being paranoid.

All that being said, if the shirt is an issue to you for real, maybe y'all shouldn't be growing pot, much less spending forever together.

2 cents + my opinion = will not buy you coffee.


Well-Known Member
Agrestic bakery burned down, the gay indian guy did it on purpose. I love that show Conrad is by far my favorite character. But hell how much weed are you growing? If its not much I would rock the damn shirt.


Well-Known Member
Agrestic bakery burned down, the gay indian guy did it on purpose. I love that show Conrad is by far my favorite character. But hell how much weed are you growing? If its not much I would rock the damn shirt.

It sounds like, whatever the quantity, it falls outside the bounds of the authorities that be...and with that, becomes irrelevant to this forum.


Well-Known Member
weeds is the boss of tv shows.

as for all of your advice, go fxxx yourselves. no, seriously,just took more meds, chilled with the lady and shared all of your wise advice. working out really well for me. still paranoid but living the good life.


Well-Known Member
TV is for robots.

Tho, given the subject matter of weeds, it sounds like a pretty good bit of programming.

Smoke good with your Lady, cause even tho she may be more cavalier than you about y'alls garden, she still sounds like a cool female.

And like I said before, paranoia can be legit and it can be unfounded, but unless paranoia is keeping you from living an otherwise fulfilling life, I'd say that there's no such thing as too much caution.



Well-Known Member
TV is for robots.

Tho, given the subject matter of weeds, it sounds like a pretty good bit of programming.

Smoke good with your Lady, cause even tho she may be more cavalier than you about y'alls garden, she still sounds like a cool female.

And like I said before, paranoia can be legit and it can be unfounded, but unless paranoia is keeping you from living an otherwise fulfilling life, I'd say that there's no such thing as too much caution.

I don't watch TV but I do like movies and I have all the "Weeds" DVD's :-P


Well-Known Member
No not a 100:1. Personally I would say remove anything within reason that would prompt a police orificer to take not of you or give probable cause.

Personally my wife would not wear the shirt at the 'grow op' (if I had one, which I do not) out of respect for me and my paranoia. She would understand because when the time comes I would understand her point of view if she had a problem with something I was wearing / doing / or briinging unwanted attention to us.

Love....its what its all about and when you love each other you put each other first, including concerns etc.


Well-Known Member
No not a 100:1. Personally I would say remove anything within reason that would prompt a police orificer to take not of you or give probable cause.

Personally my wife would not wear the shirt at the 'grow op' (if I had one, which I do not) out of respect for me and my paranoia. She would understand because when the time comes I would understand her point of view if she had a problem with something I was wearing / doing / or briinging unwanted attention to us.

Love....its what its all about and when you love each other you put each other first, including concerns etc.
Haha you are reviving all these old ass threads :lol: +rep