weed ph


Well-Known Member
Well are you refering to MG soil or nutes? I wanted to give the soil a try been feeding a couple plats 6.5 PH water and they look beautiful nice lush green color, been over 5 weeks just triggered them today actually. The nutes I'm not sure though dont believe it would have a dramatic PH change. What seems to be the problem mate? :-?


Well-Known Member
thanks. its the water. i dont know..
my normal tap water comes in at 7.0 on the p.h scale.. but after ive added 1 scoop of miracle grow granuals to my normal tap water. and the p.h changes to 6.0, 6.4??


nutes do affect the ph of the water. You should always check and correct the ph after adding anything to your water.


Well-Known Member
every different nute changes the ph in different ways, as the plant uses the water, the ph changes to.. may start off at 6 and rise to 7 as it gets close to needing water. dont use nutes every watering... but that depends on the nutes



Invest in some pH up and down because nuts most certainly can skew your pH ito dangerous territory. Or if you are on a budget steal some of your mom's vinegar and baking soda


Well-Known Member
Test the PH of your runoff water as well? (Runoff is the excess water that comes out of your pot/bag/planter)


Well-Known Member
ok cheers guys.. so my tap water comes in at 7.6 normall..
and when i add my miracle grow granuals.. (1 scoop per gallon) the p.h changes to 6.0 or 6.4.. i use a fresh water p.h colour card to test the ph and the and the drip thing??


Im not totally sure what youre asking here. That is a good pH but what is that last sentence? >.>


Well-Known Member
ok cheers yea its the solution test kit..
my ph kit is showing the colour yellow 6.0... how do i get it to 6.4 6.6??