Weed Rush Moving East/Modern day gold rush!! My smoke report & questions


Active Member
I'm a transplant to NYC from Southern California. Still have my CA prescription and use it via mail(not legally,not really cool). Been here a few years now and have seen the weed culture BOOM big time out here. When I mover here, there was one hydro store on the island of Manhattan, now there are three, and a few right off the island. Prices for good sometimes really great delivered pot goes $300.00 for 12 grams. 150.00 for 6 G's. Total rip off, but i'm getting some delivered in a huge snow storm today so....... I grow my own shit but i'm dry for a few weeks:(.

I have also found a tiny lake town(300 people) that reminds me of a weeds program on TV. I rented a house for pretty cheap right on the private lake where everyone smokes and no curfew on the lake. Only ever seen one cop in 1 year of chill'n almost every weekend. They all share weed and veggies and meat. Share duties of running the town. Really weird, but amazingly cool. Bunch of farmers and hunters. I'm finally on the inn!! We will call him Mr Big. He is hooking me up with two oz for 3 dna genetics og cush seeds from Attitude. I didn't tell anyone I grow but when my jilly bean and OG is done they better watch out. I only do personal grow but I'm thinking of buying in and showing these old guys what's up with the strain game. They grow ok strains really pretty. Definitely not going to let any of them know about my grow ops. I tell them I smuggle it in from San Diego in big chunks. Allot of POtential in this town as three dudes own every food/golf course/or any other business on the lake. One of there wives is the ambassador to the lake and pays off the cop, maybe even with weed!!

Questions are should I buy a house(there really cheap right now) and dig in to the game? Wife is down and she make allot of cash a year legally so it wouldn't look funny. Dudes haven't asked me but I can tell it's coming in the near future. What to do? O'yeah there is amazing fishing and hunting all around the town and three ski mountains within 1/2 hour that are ok at beast compared to home(mammoth). Do I make the leap? Vacation home grow Opp? Commit myself every weekend maybe even some week days? Would love some imput from some triple OG's:confused:


Well-Known Member
Bad idea. Please send me the contact info for the realtor in that area.

If you dont stay there i will lose all respsect for you and punch you in the face.

Plus are you really asking for an opinion or just bragging? Who gives a crap about other peoples advice who dont know you or anything about your situation?


Active Member
Hah your funny man. I guess this town is Chuck Norris approved.lol I tried to explain the situation, but I guess it came off like bragging. my bad.