weed smokers fraternity


Active Member
Im thinkin bout starting a weed smokers fraternity that can help weed smokers find each other and get blowed together as brothers in the
B. L. U. N. T. T.:joint:

im gonna set up a website and a good program to separate the real smokers from the puff-puff passers, but still help them get better.

if u have any good ideas or if u wanna help me with the site let me know. my email is [email protected]


Active Member
Dunno how your going to pull that off, but you can try. I highly dought your college will let you.


Active Member
well i didnt wanna call it a secret club. that sounds lame. and i never intend to have it legal. i jus was tryna create a way for people who smoke weed to find other people who smoke weed. share tips, stories, and maybe a few dimes. jus people gettin together and smoking. whats so crazy about that?

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Lets all get together and smoke bud. :confused:

Did you know the FBI just hired thousands of snitches?
It was in the news a few weeks ago.. But I'm sure it was implemented far before it was announced..

Its pretty stupid that there are so many hard crimes and theft going on, and police and justice want to bust you for pot-smoking and possesion..

But thats the unfortunate reality astro-bird.
So find a circle of friends near you is my advice.