Weed too sticky to grind

Maybe you should go back and read what you posted and then you might understand. Clearly you care what I do, or you wouldn't have commented in the first place. You keep smoking your tiny bowls from your shitty harvests, and I'll keep rolling my big joints for my lady and I. Puff puff pass.

No one asked for your suggestions, so kindly take your own rude advice.

I personally think anybody who smokes that much weed a day (9 grams) is an idiot. For real. But you didn't say you smoked 9 grams a day. You said you rolled 9 joints of over a gram each a day and I assumed that you smoked them all for yourself. You added your wife later. So you smoke about 4 or 5 grams a day. Still a lot.

Now I was just assuming that you were smoking quality weed but since you want to talk shit about mine, maybe it's because I have good weed that I don't need to smoke 9 joints a day. Or maybe you really are just high off your ass all day long never venturing out to do things that adults enjoy.
I personally think anybody who smokes that much weed a day (9 grams) is an idiot. For real. But you didn't say you smoked 9 grams a day. You said you rolled 9 joints of over a gram each a day and I assumed that you smoked them all for yourself. You added your wife later. So you smoke about 4 or 5 grams a day. Still a lot.

Now I was just assuming that you were smoking quality weed but since you want to talk shit about mine, maybe it's because I have good weed that I don't need to smoke 9 joints a day. Or maybe you really are just high off your ass all day long never venturing out to do things that adults enjoy.
LMFAO. My weed is quality. Here's a pic of my Slurricane:

Translation: I smoke all day long so I don't even get high, but it smokes real nice.
I don't usually smoke at work, maybe before work, then in the evenings and I always go to be after midnight. You're right though, I lied.. Some days I only smoke 5 or 6 joints if I have to work a long day and get up early the next day.
Dude I assumed it was. Doesn't mean shit. Your tolerance is through the roof. If you stopped smoking for a week would one of your joints get you higher than if you didn't? Or do you have that super weed that people talk about that defies logic and science and people can't built up tolerances for? Like I already said, it's a habit and people get addicted to the rolling/smoking of a joint. I'm middle aged and thinking about life span and lungs at this point. I don't want to smoke for the sake of smoking. I don't care what anybody does, doesn't mean I won't make suggestions based on my knowledge.
Dude I assumed it was. Doesn't mean shit. Your tolerance is through the roof. If you stopped smoking for a week would one of your joints get you higher than if you didn't? Or do you have that super weed that people talk about that defies logic and science and people can't built up tolerances for? Like I already said, it's a habit and people get addicted to the rolling/smoking of a joint. I'm middle aged and thinking about life span and lungs at this point. I don't want to smoke for the sake of smoking. I don't care what anybody does, doesn't mean I won't make suggestions based on my knowledge.
Yeah, I've been smoking all my life. I ate my first pot brownie at 5 years old. I have a tolerance. I enjoy smoking weed. I grow a good amount. I grow for me and the wife, plus friends. I don't sell my weed. I have zero interest in "taking a week off". I enjoy weed. I don't need your advice.
lol, what does my weed have to do with anything? I never said my weed puts yours to shame. Your all ego though so you can't get past that. You are so kewl man, smoking monster joints all day long lol. with scissors no less.
Yeah, I've been smoking all my life. I ate my first pot brownie at 5 years old. I have a tolerance. I enjoy smoking weed. I grow a good amount. I grow for me and the wife, plus friends. I don't sell my weed. I have zero interest in "taking a week off". I enjoy weed. I don't need your advice.

I get it, you already said it, for you it's not about getting high. It's about your addiction to smoking.
I don't drink much soda to be honest. Once a month? I'm not trying to prove anything, I made a suggestion and your ego took it as an insult. I even threw in a little ego booster for you and said come back to "human" levels. Your the one who started talking about people's weed and their gardens etc because you're the type of person who makes weed boards so much fun.

I'm so cool, Im going to make monster joints and smoke all day with my ole lady because I got lots of weed. Yipee.
Oddly, this feel like my past is arguing with my future.

I'll be on a 60 mile bike ride but instead of smoking joints on the bike I'm pulling out the dry herb vape lol still medicated all day but just not at the numbers I put up when I was younger. Still very functional.
When I'm at work is about the only time I'm not smoking. Before and after tho. I'm on my feet 8 hours a day with my reg job and every other 3-4 weeks I'm trimming for 4 weeks interviened with my reg job schedule. So when I have the time. I'm fucking blazing. Dabs and joints. Back to back and thats till I feel comfortable. Sometimes that could be a gram on extracts or a 1/4 of flower in a single sitting. That's how I habit. But I just read that you said anyone who smoke that much is an idiot. But I work very a very complex position and maintain myself very well and very professional and if you met me at work you wouldn even guess I smoke the way I do. So what makes us an idiot not tryin to be spitfil or show attitude. Just confused why you think so. Essp when I'm comfortable with it.
An addiction is a problem/out if control situation. Addiction control s life. Addiction wouldn't allow me for me to be without 12 hours a day. Addiction my friend is a form of being mentally unstable of going without. I do not drink. I do not smoke nicotine. I don't even vape. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the amount one uses if the user is in complete control of his/her own decisions. This does not apply to alcohol or nicotine products or hard drugs. Because of the health related factors involved with those substance.

If you can wake in the morning smoke get your day going. Work 7 days a week 12hr days all bill up to date paid. No dept. All friends and family in tact. No burnt bridges. I don't see the problem. But if you can't handle it then I suggest one doesn't smoke as much.
EsSp those people I always have that ask for free weed cause they absolutely need it with no medical benefits from it. Just can't go with out smoking. Those people iv noticed tend to lead to hard cheap drugs