• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Weed vs. Tobacco


Well-Known Member
Yeah if weed were legalized there are tons of people that could make great use off of it...then there are people that'll abuse it and use it for the wrong reasons. I'm a pothead who lives across the street from some african american potheads. I use weed to better myself, but they smoke it constantly and their temper is fucked up big time. One of them is 21 and abused weed, painkillers, and alcohol. Doing so he stabbed and killed someone for raping his little sister and although he isn't in jail for life yet, still running the streets smoking and drinking, he will do some time and hurt the image of the "good" potheads.

Basically said the good people that get ahold of weed will do good and be alright...but if it ends up in the wrong hands...well I don't even need to explain any further


Well-Known Member
I used to smoke cigarettes and I quit shortly after I started smoking weed. I think there is no comparison when it comes to the health factor between cigarettes and buds.

Honestly though, (*gets ready for the internet tongue lashing) I would prefer that smoking weed not be legalized. Then big corporate companies will come in and ruin everything, just like they have with everything else. Right now I live in a country where if you get with any amount of herb, even the smallest amount, it's automatic jail time for up to 5 years I think. Real fucking extreme, I think. So of course I would like for it to be legalized a little bit more than it is.

But I feel like there are some fucking idiots out there that would abuse the drug, the privilege, and maybe even the lifestyle. I'm sure there are a lot of us that can wake up, take a couple of bowls to the dome and go about our day as normal. Shit I'll even go as far as grabbing a nug or two for lunch time. But not everybody can, and I think if that were to happen then smoking herb would develop an image that is much worse than what it is now.
I agree with you on the fact that some people just can't handle smoking and being productive, HOWEVER do you really think these people will still continue smoking weed even though they can't function? People think weed is like other drugs where you will sacrifice your well being in order to get that high. It's not, I know no one would give up a good family, a solid job, and friends just to get high of cannabis. There are some people who become reclusive when they smoke, and that's only because they feel austrisized by society and their peers.


Well-Known Member
Another example...think of Kim Kardashian. I literally think she is the hottest girl on earth right now and the amount of things i'd do with her ass are endless. When stoned I can picture myself as having incredible game...telling it to her just like it is...whispering in her ear all the right words..eventually getting her in bed and performing a sexual act that no other porn star or guy in the world could come close to doing. Doing so with such ease and confidence...leaving her out of breath, dripping wet, and begging for more

But if I were drunk...or losing my breath off tobacco would all of that be possible?...na da
hahahaha :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Well I guess weed doesn't regulate hormones too well:-P

Pyro Peaches

Well-Known Member
In maine usa (where I'm at :mrgreen: ) if you get caught with any amount of weed you have to pay like a $400+ fine. But no jail time on the first offense. So weed isn't that big of a deal around here.. the cops don't go lookin for it or anything... they just try to find the pills.


Active Member
Defintely WEED it makes everything better. it makes sex better, it makes sleeping better, especially makes eating better haha munchies.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Well I guess weed doesn't regulate hormones too well:-P
when you smoke a fuckload of weed, abuse it, your cannabinoid receptors are so tired that you don't get high anymore. no matter how much you smoke you will never get even close to how high someone else would get off of a bowl.

weed is amazing because the anatomy of your body encourages moderation, unlike ANY OTHER DRUG ON EARTH. the cannabinoid receptor is the moderator before the dopamine release . . . so there is no direct contact with dopamine like other drugs, so when the cannabinoid gets tired thc doesn't do anything bad to your body, it's an antioxidant, it probably just sits there and helps other shit in a neutral way.

weed is anti-abuse. people with abusive personalities don't get enough out of weed, so they move to other drugs and alcohol (alcohol always works, there is no moderating receptor for that . . .) oh what do you know, there's the gateway theory right there. abusive personalities ruin it for everyone. the government and the people need to be able to make the distinction in order for weed to finally be legal.


Well-Known Member
Poplar you put it in a good perspective...shit i'm on a tolerance break right now...haven't smoked in 2 and a half weeks! I'm proud because I smoked for a good year only quitting for a few days or one week at one time. I got a little too tipsy on some vodka one saturday night...smoked a blunt afterward. It was awesome but the next day I woke up not with a hangover but with an amazing feeling I couldn't describe. I knew right away I had to take a break from weed. I was almost burnt out so my goal is to take a break, grow some, get a vaporizer, and when it warms up i'll start smoking again. But i'll never go back to smoking everyday, i'd rather stick with dank weed smoking it out of the vaporizer occasionally taking breaks as I need to.

I also have a question...religion rejects the usage of any drugs whatsoever. I really don't know if I could classify marijuana as a ''drug''. Is it a sin to smoke marijuana? According to religion that is


Well-Known Member
Poplar you put it in a good perspective...shit i'm on a tolerance break right now...haven't smoked in 2 and a half weeks! I'm proud because I smoked for a good year only quitting for a few days or one week at one time. I got a little too tipsy on some vodka one saturday night...smoked a blunt afterward. It was awesome but the next day I woke up not with a hangover but with an amazing feeling I couldn't describe. I knew right away I had to take a break from weed. I was almost burnt out so my goal is to take a break, grow some, get a vaporizer, and when it warms up i'll start smoking again. But i'll never go back to smoking everyday, i'd rather stick with dank weed smoking it out of the vaporizer occasionally taking breaks as I need to.

I also have a question...religion rejects the usage of any drugs whatsoever. I really don't know if I could classify marijuana as a ''drug''. Is it a sin to smoke marijuana? According to religion that is

if it is I believe that's the worst thing to ever happen to a religion. if anything weed is god's perfect drug, there is no drug in existence with so many medical benefits and so few negative side effects. the existence of cannabinoid receptors alone should say that this is not like a normal drug.

I think if a religion lets you get a drink of alcohol, you should be able to smoke as much weed as you want, because that one drink is damaging you more than all the weed you could smoke in your life.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I feel you on that...I personally don't like alcohol and believe it to dull the senses and numb all real feelings. When I got "drunk" for the first time I realized I had too much of a tendency to screw any girl in sight, whether they would have accepted or not. It was scary knowing that I could have attempted rape while drunk. Although I have enough self control not to do such a thing in my opinion thats bullshit. I also felt the very angry side of me while drunk too, I kept begging for someone to step on my lawn so I could have an excuse to beat the daylights out of someone. When i'm high I feel much more loving and at peace. Marijuana helped me to be a more mannered, mature person.


Well-Known Member
yeah i think so i dont see why not ...
cigs for me get me higher that doesnt work for everyone if i could id quit cigs with weed id smoke J's like cigs every chance i got
im all for it being legalized


Well-Known Member
yeah i think so i dont see why not ...
cigs for me get me higher that doesnt work for everyone if i could id quit cigs with weed id smoke J's like cigs every chance i got
im all for it being legalized
careful with that one, is that little bit of an add on to your high really worth the cancer? I mean, they've basically found that there is a significant amount of polonium-210 in all tobacco, which is enough to cause lung cancer, and many scientists have accepted that polonium-210 is the cause for lung cancer in smokers, a chemical that doesn't even exist in marijuana.

tar doesn't cause cancer . . . despite what the public wants you to believe. ionizing alpha radiation does . . .


Well-Known Member
careful with that one, is that little bit of an add on to your high really worth the cancer? I mean, they've basically found that there is a significant amount of polonium-210 in all tobacco, which is enough to cause lung cancer, and many scientists have accepted that polonium-210 is the cause for lung cancer in smokers, a chemical that doesn't even exist in marijuana.

tar doesn't cause cancer . . . despite what the public wants you to believe. ionizing alpha radiation does . . .
i know man im trying to quit its not working so well though.... the extra 10% high is not worth the cancer for sure...
im not even going to challage that not much i can


Active Member
I think that if weed was legalized, the government would pass the manufacturing liscenses to already existing pharmaceutical companies who would make billions selling $20 ten packs of 3 or 4 different strains. They would probably require a database of buyers for the first year. In order to keep things corporate/governmental, the selling of seeds and growing of plants would still be illegal. Law enforcement resources that used to be allocated to busting larger operations will be used on the "little guy." Big time operations will have no more buyers when anyone can get pot at 7-11. Alcohol is legal, but how many of you actually go through the effort of homebrewing your own beer? I think a similar situation would happen with marijuana. Not exactly the cannatopia that a lot of people hope for.

I hope I'm wrong.



Well-Known Member
pharmaceutics have no interest in weed, multi-compound natural substance = no patent and no money to pharmaceutic companies.

just check out AB390 in california, big first step.


Well-Known Member
the only professionals i know that smoke weed smoke it like an adult. on weekends where vices that effect your performance are acceptable. every single chronic smoker (high 24/7) hasn't been able to hold a good job. i know that correlation does not equal causation necessarily.

i wouldn't want people working for me high as an employer. too much liability.

cigarettes are nasty, but to each their own.
Your a fucking idiot. I for example have a very good job. I am high 24/7. I do contract work and sit on my ass handing out work. 6 figures bitch, stoned 24/7. Not including my garden profits.


Well-Known Member
I hope weed is never made legal. I used to want weed legal but after my trip to amsterdam and got to see all the scum and thieving crackheads it attracts to that area I no longer do. I live in a great country where I feel safe and secure and I dont want that jeopardised. Maybe medicinal marijuana would work here but I would never want it to be totally legal. Unless of course I opened a cafe and was making big money. I smoke cigarrettes and love em. Just wish they werent so bad for me.


Active Member
Your a fucking idiot. I for example have a very good job. I am high 24/7. I do contract work and sit on my ass handing out work. 6 figures bitch, stoned 24/7. Not including my garden profits.
you don't have a 6 figure income if you're high all the time.



Well-Known Member
Just because people get high doesn't mean it hinders their work. Maybe your speaking from personal experience but I know of many many people who smoke making over 100 grand a year. You just need to be able to keep control.

Pyro Peaches

Well-Known Member
I hope weed is never made legal. I used to want weed legal but after my trip to amsterdam and got to see all the scum and thieving crackheads it attracts to that area I no longer do. I live in a great country where I feel safe and secure and I dont want that jeopardised. Maybe medicinal marijuana would work here but I would never want it to be totally legal. Unless of course I opened a cafe and was making big money. I smoke cigarrettes and love em. Just wish they werent so bad for me.
I've always wanted to visit Amsterdam.. maybe even live there one day........ now I'm not too sure. I've already had to deal with living near junkies and crackheads, and I'm in Maine,USA! How bad is it really in Amsterdam?? :sad:


Well-Known Member
Dont take my word for it. I'd hate to be the reason missed out on any life experience. I think most people do enjoy it, just not my thing. I do tend to attract very unwelcome people though. This has been true ever since I was small. I dont know why. I think if there was more than just 2 of us we would have enjoyed it more. Felt safer and all that. I actually met some guys I know over there. They were there for a day and were staying in Rotterdam the rest of their trip. They said Rotterdam is a much better place. Far cheaper, More friendly and not as sleazy. There's still sleaze if you look for it just not as in your face apparently. And these guys go to holland 3 or 4 times a year. So they know their stuff.