Weed War!!! El Paso/Juarez Violence


Active Member
In 2008 the city of Juarez ended its year with a very bloody 2000 murders. This year they're already at around 800 murders. Kidnappings, mysterious murder, and the all the news media that sugar-coats every fucking thing, is just an every day thing here in El Paso Texas, the only big desert city in Texas ( pop about 1,000,000) (Juarez pop 2.2 million). The only thing that seperates EP from Juarez is a few feet of water, and this nice new border fence, lol, im playing, here in El Paso we've always had a border fence, big and nice never fucking worked though. Now they added a big super-fence around the old one, guess what American Tax Payer???, that shit doesn't work either. I was smoking a joint with a Mexican man that was doing our roof ( did a great fucking job), he was illegal of course, he said that there are big holes in the new Big Bad George Bush Border Fence, that were done nicely with a welding machine. Back to the topic.
OK, the media calls this a Drug War. Since all the crazy bloodshed started in Juarez, its been tough to get bud. I mean it's always available, but compare the $180 a lbs to $350 a lbs now, and the quality, what fucking quality, its trash. Before all the murder, we would get the best Mexican Sativa and cheap. Similar to LSD high, you know, when you're on a fucking fast high and have to pray to whatever you believe in, and promise It that you'll never smoke weed again, lol, yeah that stuff.
But funny how the cocaine here stays probably the best in the nation and for the same price that its been, for a long time. They bust coke here, but on the news all you here about is bud stash houses. Here in EP they find at least a ton of bud a week ( in stash houses and at the port of entries). So bottom line, EVERYBODY IS BEING KILLED BECAUSE THE U.S. WON'T LEGALIZE AND TAX WEED. Beto O'Rourke ( El Paso City Council) knows this, and a couple of months ago, only mentioned talks about regulating bud in the city of El Paso. The State of Texas ( Austin) threatened not to give El Paso any funds for anything, (Texas doesn't consider El Paso to be a part of Texas as it is) if the plan for talks was implemented. To top it off, all of the News like CNN, Chris Mathews, Oliver North, you name it, they all came down on Beto O'Rourke. Oh yeah, the fucking Mayor of EP didn't want shit to do with the talks either, PUSSY!!! C'mon these we're just fucking TALKS!!!, Not a Goddam smoke session. As a result ............... Nothing. Shit hasn't changed, people continue on being executed (Mexicans and Americans) in Juarez, and kidnapped in El Paso. I don't know about the rest of the border or Mexico, but as far as El Paso/Juarez goes, Sadly, This is a Weed War not a Drug War. CHANGE BUD LAWS AND SHUT DOWN CARTELS!!!I dedicate this thread to all the men, women, and children that have gone missing or been killed, because of stubborn ass governments. RIP Gruby, killed 2 weeks ago in El Paso's Lower Valley. RIP Lil Loke, killed in Juarez late February, :peace:.


Well-Known Member
I agree.
It is a mostly the drug wars.
Arent most of the deaths in juarez women.
They have some rich and twisted serial killers out there.


Active Member
I agree.
It is a mostly the drug wars.
Arent most of the deaths in juarez women.
They have some rich and twisted serial killers out there.
Killing of women in Juarez still goes on, and will always go on. You gotta remember Juarez is in a third world country, the women are very driven to get their papers straight and get the fuck out of there. So a lot of the girls come to El Paso Community College (they flood all EPCC campuses) and UTEP. We are surrounded by these women here in El Paso, they are beautiful. Anyways the men in Juarez, a lot of times cross illegally and get caught up for some sort of crime eventually. So , they literally "burn their bridges" and are forced to stay in Mexico or face 7 years federal time for illegal reentry. Let me put it to you in plain English, What if you were an old, poor, ugly ass Mexican with nothing to bone but a fat ugly uneducated wife, nothing to lose, and one night you seen a beautiful young educated girl walking home after getting off ( la routa) the bus during the wee hours of the morning??? And that my friend, is how these fuckin savages operate. It's the cops, the working men, the gang bangers, a lot of those men in Mexico are fuckin dogs. Right now, the spot-light is on the Drug War.


Well-Known Member
I take it you live in elpaso, did you see on the history channel a few days ago, they had a documentary about elpaso, on that show gangland. it was called barrio azteca, blood river...


Well-Known Member
All this stuff I don't even believe is going on. I seriously doubt woman are getting killed and as for stuff that happens in other countries let the shit happen. Even if some of it happens in texas people should expect that cause they technically live in mexico but want all the United states goodies like education. You want to live that far down the border then good for you but dont come crying a river when shit is getting tough.


All this stuff I don't even believe is going on. I seriously doubt woman are getting killed and as for stuff that happens in other countries let the shit happen. Even if some of it happens in texas people should expect that cause they technically live in mexico but want all the United states goodies like education. You want to live that far down the border then good for you but dont come crying a river when shit is getting tough.
You my good friend, can go fuck yourself. I didnt make the choice to move to El Paso...I was forced to after I graduated high school. So don't give us your bullshit about "technically" living in Mexico because it's NOT Mexico. I get so pissed when people say "oh well Mexico's right there, so really we all live there..." Fuck that! WE LIVE IN TEXAS WHICH IS PART OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! And from the looks of it, the US has its head further up its own ass than any other country in the world. And as for the violence in Juarez, it's not even about drugs. The media here wants us to believe its about drugs but its about territory. And although the quality and market (us) of the drugs had to suffer, this "war" across the river is NOT about drugs. It's over control of Juarez. What's more is that I know that if/when the carteles gain control of Juarez, it's just a matter of time before they try to invade El Paso. So, with all of that being said...it's completely unfair for you to say not to "come cryin a river" because these fuckers so far haven't been stupid enough to come over here and kill but they sure as hell will kill WHOEVER is in the wrong place at the wrong time...American or not. So far they've killed entire families in Juarez and Las Cruces, and they did so without hesitation. Every day people are found decapitated, with their heads shipped in ice chests to Mexican police. I agree with you that we should let countries do whatever they want to do but now they've gone too far by killing American tourists and visitors to Juarez which is a beautiful city by the way. It should NOT be run by the drug lords but by the Mexican government. And I promise you the second this shit actually spills over into El Paso, we WILL take control of Juarez and once the cartels are out we WILL let the government take back over. So shut the fuck up unless you know what you're talking about. And chris915 keep smokin that green and lets help keep the violence out of EP by buying American until this shit is all said & done...