Weed Wars


Well-Known Member
Dude, i hope you dont mind me sending this to my state rep?

its a good show; shows how the fed is trying to eliminate the industry it could bring.

It'll cut in on:
Paper; it's 4x more productive than trees to produce paper.
Fibers; It's stronger and more durable than cotton. Cotton industry was originally in on prohibition of weed; which was really a way to end competition in the industry and create a monopoly.
and both of those are hemp products; it'd take a joint the size of a telephone pole to get high on fiber weed.
Medical; the most versatile resourceful plant in the industry has numerous health gains from the most complete protein hemp seed oil; better than soy. To the CBD benefits for and antiviral benefits along with numerous physiological problems that have major benefits for patients.

Competition and special interest have kept it out of the way for years. Hemp was enjoyed for several years after the constitution....

oh well; if we were like other nations we would keep our government in check, but instead corporations and banks control it.


haha no prob, but it's not like smart people dont know these things. The avg american doesnt know these things because our history in school has been white washed and we've only been taught so much.
"Congress met on Christmas Day every year from 1789 to 1855, with only three exceptions." and George washington and several others in the past smoked and grew hemp. Hell, there was mummies from Cleopatra's age that fking had female flowers manicured and stored with the body for his trip into the afterlife.

The problem with congress is that soo many politicians act based on what they think "America" wants while taking as many handouts as possible from big business and lobbyist. The people become second hand, so if you want good things in life, you have to fight for them.

I think America could wind up in the future.... win: Egypt; fail: India/Zimbabwe. What I mean by that is we can take control of our government; or we can let the US dollar be printed into oblivion effectively destroying the us economy; We'd be bartering again on the street like some ally in a middle eastern nation and millions would starve.

Did you know we imprison more blacks which make up 12% of our 300 million population THAN THE ENTIRE CONTINENT OF AFRICA.

Pretty soon if not already; racism wont be a problem in the prison system; by means that police will just start locking up everyone the next big thing people been fighting is internet and copyright freedom. They're trying to pass laws like 3 strikes or 10 views of copyright material post by you; would wind up being federal offense. Whereas youtube karaoke videos could send you to jail and have the youtube site shutdown until it is removed.

The show is ok, but the Soup made some good points about it. Still, I try to catch ever episode.

I still prefer Berkeley Patients Group, but that's just me.


I have miixed feelings about this show. On the first episode everyone they introduced you know the owners and the black guy that works the counter ( sorry I cant remeber any of there names ) anyway as they were introducing them they all stated that they are patients themselves. And they went on and on about how bad that there condiotion was that they needed a medical card.
But all I see is a ton of excessive recreational use. That one dude with the hippy braids stopped by Hardorside on the way to a speaking event and picked up like 3 brownies and was chomping them down on the way there and all this was going on while he was driving. I dont know.. I think it is a ok show but for the purpose of opening the eyes of ppl that have nothing to do with pot. I just dont think it shows the none smokers a reason that they should side with the smokers and vote yes on medical pot.