

to answer your question yes, right away. the best nutes i have found for MJ is a combination that i make myself.

In a bucket add:
2cups of water, 1/4cups sea salt, 1/4cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup bleach, 1/2 cup red cordial. mix and heat in microwave for 7.5minutes, remove and pour straight over your plant.


Well-Known Member
dude i cant see shit that looks like a preflower, but its so blurry it gives me a head ache

if you havnt switched to 12/12 and you dont have an autoflower strain, im gonna say its not budding and your just seeing new leaf growth


Well-Known Member
and your plants do look hungry, but first, what soil are you using?

when you start using nutes use 1/4 strength it says on the bottle

and "feed water water feed"


Yes those little stalks growing will become branches. And it's big enough for nutes I would have started feeding it already myself. bongsmilie


Active Member
guys tell me wat i have to do to my plant right now be specific . dont use big words . im roasted right now so dont trip me out


Well-Known Member
your light schedule, hours of light/dark. what are you using now 24/0 18/6 12/12? when you switch to 12/12 it tells the plant when its time to start producing bud


Active Member
well honestly i jus leave it on most of the time and from time to time i turn it off to cool down my plant. i do need a schedule


Well-Known Member
you could put it at 12/12 now and it should be flowering within a week or two

do you know what strain it is? or is it just some bagseeds? how old is it?

a few tips for when you do switch to 12/12

during dark time it needs to be COMPLETELY dark and you need alot of light during light time. light leaks will increase the chances of your plant turning int a hermaphrodite and ruining your crop. what are you using CFLs? what wat are they and how many?


Active Member
wats a strain? yea i got the seed from sum bud i bought but i germinated the seed before i planted it.


Well-Known Member
first please read this

second yes you do need a light schedule your plant will freak out if this is changed alot, what ever time it comes on that time needs to stay the same you can change the length its on but only when you go to flower then use 12 on/12 off it works the best

next do alot of research on google itll be your best friend when it comes to growing, youve already found a good site to get help but alot of people give newbs hell ya kno what i mean....

strains are the different types of weed as in , northern lights, kush, popcorn, lowryder, white widow, and many many many many more

since the seed came from some bud you got then its refered to as a "Bagseed" heres a thread of some badass grows from bagseed

and kaleoxxx was asking bout ur light source, cfls compact flourescents they are most common the twisty bulbs https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/202718-cfl-tutorial.html
