

I have been like collecting weed sayings and I wanna hear if people can come up with other good ones. State the saying saying and when it would be said.

"A penny Saved is a penny Blazed" (this obviously applies to anytime you can save money but especially when you save money so that you can buy more weed later)

"Another day another Jay" (I smoke at least a jay a day so this is said on the first blaze of the day)

"Where there's a jay there's a way" ( This is just goddamn inspirational)

"A friend with weed is a friend indeed" (Its obvious)

"Earn the burn" (Workout before you get high and lay around all day)

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Not exactly a weed quote, but was on the inside of my Marley wraps:

"If puss and dog can get together, why can't we all love one another?"


Well-Known Member
Damn, pipe dream.. yeah just beat me to it.
That one's a classic.

can't we all just get a bong?

I had it typed and everything. lol

not sure if this qualifies for the thread.. but my buddies and i call a huge joint a 'Splifford the Dog'. haha