Weedman's First Major Outdoor


Active Member
So here we go guys for 200 and 9 :hump:!!

Basically the plans are this year to put out somwhere between fifty and one hundred pre started babies. Once they go out they will be put in the woods, and also some pre-arranged corn fields.

I will not be using the natural soil though seeing how it is to acidic in this area. Fox farms organic al the way in five gallon buckets burried down in the ground as so they can be moved to different locations. The buckets will be filled 6 inches up from the bottom with chipped stone and holes in the bucket so it can drain. Also the buckets will be about 2 in. raised of the bottom of the hole.

As of the moment right now they are all started and in the seedling stage in 16oz dixie cups.

They are in a home made veg chamber measuring 5x2x3ft. The lighting is three flouro tube ballasts with daylight bulbs. six in total.

My questions to you guys are, what would the best and simplest type of nutrient to use. Im looking for something that has a low maintenence. All of the locations have natural water supplys within a 5-10 min walk.

Pictures will be up tonight hopefully of the pre-outdoor set up. Hope along for the good year guys!


Active Member
I also forgot to add i would like to try a few different types of growing methods on different plants in different enviroments this year. I want to alternate between bending plants over, and weaving them through a string net. I would like to see if i can LST a few plants to stay along the ground and fan out almost like vines. Hopefully producing some kick ass colas!

any help or advice is greatly apprectiate


Active Member
Thanks alot guys! Ill be lookin into those nutes later tonight! Should have the pics up by then too. Darn digital camera is on the fritz! Thanks greatly!


Active Member
Still havent gottena new digital camera yet. Sorry guys!!! But i have a new question.

I want to begin hardening off my plants to go outside. But i do not have the type of access i would need to bring them in and out everyday. Living in the middle of a city :). Pretty much i need to bring them out to the woods and place them in a nice hidden location, but is there anything that i can use to cover them as to not let all the natural lumens slay my plants? or could i just put them in a nice shady spot for a week or two?

Thanks guy!