Week 12 flower, just noticed seeds??


Well-Known Member
So I have two plants that will enter week 13 flowering in 2 days.. both different unknown strains, both female.
While checking them over today, I found seeds in some of the colas. Never saw any signs of herming, pollen sacks/pollen. Nothing and I check them nearly daily, I don’t know what happened.

There was a male in the tent but was killed as soon as I could see preflowers, well before the switch to 12/12.


I assume I can’t keep it near my other plant now? What are my options?
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This is my other plant.. searched it top to bottom and found only one seed in it. I guess that means the other might’ve pollinated it? Ive already started the flush and planned to chop it at the end of this week.

Should I chop it early before more seeds develop? My only other option is to keep them in the same tent for the rest of the week. I have no where else to put them.

The one that has more seeds is still unready to harvest. Trics still mostly clear.
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For whatever reason and sometimes they will just pop out a few seeds. It isnt a male plant with pollen in early flower so just leave it and finsih it out.
For whatever reason and sometimes they will just pop out a few seeds. It isnt a male plant with pollen in early flower so just leave it and finsih it out.
So can be genetics and doesn’t have to be hermied in order to do this? They’re everywhere.
If any of the male flowers dumped ( split ) when you pulled it , then it was able to pollinate.
It literally takes very little to pollinate , even off your clothes.
There are two ways a female can produce pollen. A normal hermie makes the pollen sacs you see on a male. The other way is "bananas" or female staminate flowers.
Sometimes banana pollen is pretty sterile and you only get a seed or two. Other times it will pollinate a whole room from one plant.
So can be genetics and doesn’t have to be hermied in order to do this? They’re everywhere.
I said a few seeds inst a deal breaker the plant can do that. If they are everywhere then it may be gentics that is prone to herm easily from stress or light leaks etc on you or it got pollinated by that male plant.

Either way finish it out
If its a cut from a mother then you will pick up real quick if it herms easily once you grow it twice.
Maybe dont grow that strain again
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There are two ways a female can produce pollen. A normal hermie makes the pollen sacs you see on a male. The other way is "bananas" or female staminate flowers.
Must be the bananas then. I had pest issues so I looked them over often. Never noticed until just now.
OP .... are all your plants compromised or just that one. ?
I said a few seeds inst a deal breaker the plant can do that. If they are everywhere then it may be gentics that is prone to herm easily from stress or light leaks etc on you or it got pollinated by that male plant.

Either way finish it out
If its a cut from a mother then you will pick up real quick if it herms easily once you grow it twice.
Maybe dont grow that strain again

Just that one. I’ve found only one seed in the uncompromised one that I was going to harvest at the end of the week. My main question is will it develop more seeds in that one if left in the tent with the one with seeds for the remainder of the week.

These were bagseed, I’ve since ordered seeds from seedsman will not be growing bagseed anymore.
Must be the bananas then. I had pest issues so I looked them over often. Never noticed until just now.

Just that one. I’ve found only one seed in the uncompromised one that I was going to harvest at the end of the week. My main question is will it develop more seeds in that one if left in the tent with the one with seeds for the remainder of the week.

These were bagseed, I’ve since ordered seeds from seedsman will not be growing bagseed anymore.

it takes longer than a week to develop a seed you cant hurt a thing imo, no need to worry. It is what it is and you are not going to change anything about it.

Bagseed isnt bad just dont get upset when it doesnt go exactly right. And since its bagseed then it may very well be genetics that are prone to herm on you and it wasnt anything you did or it wasnt that male plant that you found and no dont use those seeds from that bag again unless you need to because the results will probably be the same. Their are products out there that help so you dont get herm issues I forget what they are called ....switch comes to mind but i dont remember.
Must be the bananas then. I had pest issues so I looked them over often. Never noticed until just now.
That would be my assumption as well seeing you have such limited numbers of seeds. My seed run of Candy Rain made some bananas but no seeds.
Finish it. Only thing worse than a seeded bud is immature seeded bud.
The one with seeds isn’t the one I’m talking about chopping. It’s the other one in the tent with it that was due to be chopped in about 5 days anyway. I’m asking if the unseeded one would develop more seeds if left with the seeded one to finished out the flush.
it takes longer than a week to develop a seed you cant hurt a thing imo, no need to worry. It is what it is and you are not going to change anything about it.

Bagseed isnt bad just dont get upset when it doesnt go exactly right. And since its bagseed then it may very well be genetics that are prone to herm on you and it wasnt anything you did or it wasnt that male plant that you found and no dont use those seeds from that bag again unless you need to because the results will probably be the same. Their are products out there that help so you dont get herm issues I forget what they are called ....switch comes to mind but i dont remember.
Ok ignore last post I responded before I read your previous reply. Thanks for the help!
The one with seeds isn’t the one I’m talking about chopping. It’s the other one in the tent with it that was due to be chopped in about 5 days anyway. I’m asking if the unseeded one would develop more seeds if left with the seeded one to finished out the flush.
Whats done is done.
Only my opinion but i would just finish both as normal. 5 Days isnt a whole lot of time, and they arent going to get any less pollinated
Only my opinion but i would just finish both as normal. 5 Days isnt a whole lot of time, and they arent going to get any less pollinated
Agreed, let em finish so any seeds that are there don't end up those tiny ones that you can't find and ruin the taste of a bowl.