Week 3 Into Flowering and i need some help i think


Active Member
Well its week 3 and i got it under a bulb that idk what its called im a newbie but i think its Hps and i need some help the bulb glows orangeand it made my plant shoot up but my buds are finally coming in and look kind of small is there anyway that i could make them increase in size or do they do that in a few weaks i need any advice i will get pics 2marrow and thank you to anyone out there who is willing to give me some advice all i can know is neccesary its my first grow!!!!

Keep Toking and Choking and Smoking till i die:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
As long as they are getting enough light, enough food AND enough water, they will fatten up in the coming weeks.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
yes, ur baby will b just fine. Its still fairly early into flower so don't worry. You will see an explosion of new growth from now till the very end. your bus will get thick and produce resin as time goes on. Best thing you can do is make sure she is fed good nutrients, water and light. And let her take her sweet time. And yes u do have a hps does glow orange. Watch out with that light you can easily burn the plant if its to close u want 12-18 inches and make sure you keep the temp between 70-85. Good luck:bigjoint:


Active Member
thanks man and if i get a pic of the lightbulb will you be able to tell me anything about the light bulb i got 2 i will take a pic of both


Active Member
well i think i might got it 2 close then im going to move it as soon as possible wich will be in a few mins and well i got another bulb it just glows a light and its BRIGHT as hell and its huge and has a white thing in the middle i got it for free


Well-Known Member
Adding 1TBS of molasses to your gallon(s) of water, at and after week 4 of flowering, will provide usable sugar/carbs and help fatten up the end result. Ya gotta put the molasses in some hot water to dissolve it better, then pour that mix into your almost full gallon. You just add any wanted/needed nutes to this mixture. Water well. Drain.

I found that molasses can ferment and stink if stored in the jugs of water, so try and use up what you mix up.
I'd never heard of this until my last grow. Works well.


Active Member
hey guys i found these little sacks and nowim wondering if its a hemie i mean i see hairs comming out of every node growth please HELP!:leaf: and umm pics are still coming 2night


Active Member
yes i know the pics wich are still coming dont wanna disturb it its in the dark period dont wanna disturb it so pics forsure forsure 2marrwo

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
yeah bud post some pics I wanna see how your shit is coming along. I promised I'd check it out so *subscribed*

$toned che$$

Well-Known Member
skrypt said:
yes i know the pics wich are still coming dont wanna disturb it its in the dark period dont wanna disturb it so pics forsure forsure 2marrwo
This was posted over 3 days ago... how fuckin long is your dark period???
stiffer said:
yeh do you really have any plants??? atleast get us some pics off google!, jkz
lol no shit :-P


Active Member

Here is it the 1st week of flowering its under a difrent light difrent area and better zone outta my house tho! more room and its buds are comming in i dont have pics of my spourts been busy sittin up my new spot plus i lost the battery