Week 4 blooming is retarded


I am using advanced nutrients Grow Micro Bloom. with carb load and big bud..
Its a set up ebb and flow but we stuck with sprinklers...

We grew in vegitative for 24hr/7dwk for 3-4 months. Now after all trimming and misshaps with over topping and breakedge..

Its week four and they look like a bush or bonsi bud....
I have fallowed the nut rec correctly aside from a long veg time. They are under a 400wt hps. and use 55lt resiv.
the only thing I was late on using Big bud powder and carbo load...
Why is it week 4 day 3 and they only look like nickle size buds...
I got pics there.. a regular bic lighter and my thumb nail for scale...

Why so Damned small.. Where is my coala buds.



Active Member
thats tough but you shoulda used bud blood as a trigger. Or shut your lights off for 48 hours as a trigger simulating fall. Could also be the strain. I had purple diesel do something similar but not 4 weeks. Thats pretty bad man. Check your lights as well. Maybe you have a light leak or messed up timer
patience man plants dont go straight into flowering as soon as you switch to 12/12, it probably took a couple weeks to realize that it was time to start forming buds. by the sounds of it you should be pleased with your results later on. Also don't forget that 25% of the weight comes in the last couple weeks.


I didnt see any literature on bud blood as a trigger...
I started 13hr cycles with a metal halide. then week 3 I switched to HPS. at week 4/ 4.5 its set to 12 now its 11hrs on.13 off..
I am wondering at all my mistakes of over toping or breaking shit.. or even over trimming.

To many errors in the first test run in ebb an flow..

I was mainly wondering since they vedged so long if they would take longer to bloom as older or bigger plant can do.?
HAs anyone had lil buds blow up into dank colas in this time frame?
I just dont want to do a 13 week budding cycle if I can avoid it..

When do most people put clones into bloom growth.. Size? nodes? weeks? months?

Those were just random seeds only 3 females out of 7 plants.. I got som LA confidential, skunk, AK47, silver blue. all on the way from the vedge room and I dont want this to happen to them... How do I avoid it...
How do you average out nut recip for a 3 month harvest cycle..

1 month vedge? 2 month bloom?


Well-Known Member
Certain strains can look like this in week 4.

Based on the curves in your leaves, and the dark green color, it appears you may have too much nutes, in particuliar too much nitrogen. I would take one girl and flush it. Then wait 2 days to see if it starts flowering more than the others. I suspect nute lock due to a high ppm.

just my 2 cents. I am sure Dave C will be along to correct me soon enough. lol


any one know the suggested reservoir size for 3 plants all between 2-3ft high... I use 55liters I use the advanced Nut calculator so my ppm should be good. How do you adjust ppm in mid weekly cycle in a hydro system without changing out entire reservoir


Active Member
Bud Blood is produced by advanced nutrients. Google it, I use it as a trigger and see flowers forming within days. Also as stated above, your plants shouldn't be that dark green. You should be backing off the nitrogen and starting more P and K.


Well-Known Member
first it takes 2 weeks for plants to actually start to flower
second what strain and how long is flower time
third patience my friend relax .. u cant grow muscle in 2 weeks or even 4 its all about time..
fourth what r your room dimmensions and what is 55 lt resiv?
fifth the leaves in pic four dont look healthy

Illegal Smile

If the overall plant looks healthy I wouldn't worry about the bud size at 4 weeks. It may indicate that you will need more than nine weeks of 12/12 to get to harvest though.


Active Member
From my experience it's usually about week 5-6 they start putting on the weight, give it some time.
patience isn't a virtue of mine either, but i think you just need to wait a little bit bfeore you start worrying too much.

you got a great setup and if everything is done right, you'll be seeing results before long...



Well-Known Member
Well basically man you can stop looking for the answer because i have it for you.
Over topping. Topping on its own ie topping ONCE, stunts the plants flowering growth according obviously to when you topped it.
Also strain. My super lemon haze was topped once. its now week 5 since i changed to a flowering light cycle and i have less pistils than you. super lemon haze is a sativa so its flowering period is longer anyway, and the topping as said, definately delayed my flowering.
But we will benefit in the end my friend.

Just be patient


NO the Pics are dark when using the High Pressure Sodium.
My reservoir is 55 liter=14gallons..
My Nutrient recipie calls for
Advanced Nute
Grow 110ml
Micro 110ml
bloom 110ml
Big Bud powder 33grams
Carbload 109.8ml

I never used advanced Nute. Its my first try.... But I have sunk Big Bucks into the Nute alone. The are really healthy thriving plants just really slow blooming.
my ppm should be 1800ppm and 2.75ec

My flower room a 5ft by5ft square my grow bin is in a 5ft by 2ft room

So I dont know any more details as to what is supplied aside whats in nutes.
# I opped the shit outa all of them. even lower branches... Dumpster 1 was topped late and super bushed out. Dumster 2 was topped early but is phatty but small. also I accidently stipped the stalk once and it was about to fall off but continued to grow and repair its self. not its a knot in the stalk with a phat bug above it.
dumster 3 is scrawney with nice buds starting. I topped her way to early and it the plant looks scrawney...

The dumsters seem to be sativas since there are leaves bigger than my face and they are budding slow.

