Week 4 flower issue Help!!! Newb Alert

i agree, I stick to coco/perlite, soil is so... dirty.. :spew: and I really don't miss the gnats that come with soil.

to OP, are you letting the soil dry out in between watering? if so, how dry? are you giving it any nutrients/supplements? and do you have airflow over the top of the soil?
Yes I am at first was doing every 4 days until I realized the were weeping alittle bit more last two waterings of doing that so I now do 3 days and have been using about half-3/4 nutes recommended. I have a small fan sitting on floor that turns on every hr for 15 min with lights on as well as a bigger fan in corner moving air on top of plants running all thw time (low fan speed) both oscilating. Im using emerald harvest nutes which theres like 5 bottles for bloom and no info from other people because theyre new
Well, she needs calcium. Give her calmag, cut back on nitrogen, go 1/4 doseage bloom nutes. I think that will fix her.
It is an art form sir. Nobody has mastered it fully, some are still masters amongst us though. I've only been doing this for a year so I screw up every grow and just be sure to learn how. Every grow has had higher yields, better results, and new mistakes.
Stressful when things are going bad I just get worries all my hard work will go down the tube... It has to be some sort of lockout or just with all the wrong nutes at first the plant wasnt using it maybe and messed with it. I’ll do a flush just was real worried it was a def didnt want to make it worse


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Sorry, I had to burn down the mountain and drink a cheap beer before I saw this properly.

You have 100% cal-mag deficiency. I am willing to bet you a fake-nude-selfie that will fix your problems.

the damaged leaves will not heal but the problem will stop. Have you ever added calmag?
Do you have some calimagic or something on hand u can hit it with? You are about to screw that entire batch if you cant get some to her. Your primary problem is calcium but she also really needs magnesium, thats whats causing the yellowing of the inside of the leaves. while leaving the edges yellow.

Yellow leaf entirely = lack of nitrogen
Yellow INSIDE of leaf with green outer edge = Magnesium all day
Red dots with no bugs = Calcium

commonly mistaken as nitrogen burn
hey man quit puttin all them nutes and whatever else in that plant. wash the root system like i told you. give it some fresh soil and use store bought water. in a week your plant will b just right how you want it
hey man quit puttin all them nutes and whatever else in that plant. wash the root system like i told you. give it some fresh soil and use store bought water. in a week your plant will b just right how you want it
look at the last good pic he posted of the whole crop. its calmag def.
I appreciate the advice , that seems pretty aggressive though no? Im going on 5 weeks flower now
5 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks it dont matter. if you having problems with your plant like you say then its probably best if you did what i suggested
clearly hes been overwatering and hes flushed out all the nutrients from his soil. he said so himself, and he has since calmed down. In confident he can save his plant, just add cal-mag, normal doseage
Do you have some calimagic or something on hand u can hit it with? You are about to screw that entire batch if you cant get some to her. Your primary problem is calcium but she also really needs magnesium, thats whats causing the yellowing of the inside of the leaves. while leaving the edges yellow.

Yellow leaf entirely = lack of nitrogen
Yellow INSIDE of leaf with green outer edge = Magnesium all day
Red dots with no bugs = Calcium

commonly mistaken as nitrogen burn
Alright very good that is what I will do, Ive been using cal/mag by Emerald Harvest
clearly hes been overwatering and hes flushed out all the nutrients from his soil. he said so himself, and he has since calmed down. In confident he can save his plant, just add cal-mag, normal doseage
Thank you for the help, I have been using Cal/Mag but more on the lower side. Its Cal/Mag From Emerald Harvest. It says 5ml per gallon and I would say Ive been doing more like 2ml per if that. I’ll give it a shot lowering nutes way down and more on tbe cal/mag and see how it goes. All and All the bud is blowing up nicely just gotta make the plant happy.
look at the last good pic he posted of the whole crop. its calmag def.
This is as of today as well and Im wondering of they’re is a reason now the newer growth which is also underneath the messed up fan leaves are fresh and green? Could it be possibly getting better now? Trying to get as much knowledge as I can... sorry for all the questions


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yas sir, the damaged leaves will never heal, the damage is done and permanent. the new leaves should reflect the current condition of the plant.
My GDP I'm about to harvest got the same shit. They limped along the last few weeks. I flushed them twice w plain water. Chopping this friday20171108_103213.jpg