Week 5.5 flowering update.


Well-Known Member
Hello all . I have been lagging a bit when it comes to posting new pics, and for that I appologize. Here are a few pics of my babies at 5 1/2 weeks flowering.

They get Fox Farm nutes, mollasses, and c02. I have two 400 watt HPS lights. enjoy the pics and check out this little one. at first everyone says......." oh you are overwatering, or you have nute burn" because her leaves just curl under. But I tell you the littl e bitch has always been like that. and she has always been short. I never topped her. But you will notice ...........she is like one huge cola. And she smells so pretty. Her name is Elisa. Please be nice to her , she is sensitive.................lmao




Well-Known Member
thnx the first and second pic are of elisa and I tell you she is so sticky and crystaly.............woot!


Well-Known Member
yeah it is bigger than my foot and it is so round and plump..............she needs to go on a diet.......joking!


Well-Known Member
yeah me too I think this Sunday we will pull her ..............I have to check the tricomes I have a 60- 100 x microscope so we will see...........then I have to cure her and then pay respect to her by smoking her and spreading her ashes...................lol


Well-Known Member
I am also at 5.5 weeks and my plants look like shit compared to yours. I grew two plants much bigger and LST'ed the shit out of them. They both have a TON of budsites, maybe 25 each, but they didn't swell up like yours did. I have a ton of little buds.

I now understand why people grow many plants much smaller. The yield was definitely increased by vegging my plants for 8 weeks (from rooted clones), but the quality isn't there. I am going to go pickup some new clones this weekend and get probably 6 or 8 plants going to replace my current grow.

Lookin' good, keep us updated, I am curious to see what your harvest looks like.


Well-Known Member
yeah my 11 were clones and the other two were seeds. I used nutes, molasses, c02 and an airconditoned room. Maybe that is thew difference? I will be putting together my grow journal with pics once I harvest. I mean I have pics of every step and every thing I used even down to a ph tester and microscope.

good luck and I will keep you all posted.


Well-Known Member
oh and p.s.

I only topped two of my babies to see the difference. Other than that I just pruned to allow more light to the lower fan leaves and kind oof like shape them . make sense?



Well-Known Member
well the tricomes on Elisa have presented themselves as "done" lol so tomorrow (in about 11 hours I will harvest Elisa. Woot I will be sure to take thurough pics to share with all. I think I will be water curing her. Wish me luck and any advice in the next 11 hours would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Elisa is one amazing plant. Very different from all the other plants. Do you have any other SH plants growing? I hear the smoke is very up-lifting, great grow! Keep us posted.