week 5 buds seem tiny


Well-Known Member
so im coming up on week 5 flowering (I didnt start to count flowering until she showed sex) and her buds seem tiny, I been feeding her 18-24-16 rose ferts it worked great last grow, my last grow the plant grew soda can sized buds with the rose ferts but this time the flowers seem very small they smell amazingly skunky but shes not putting on much weight. she is under 150 watt hps with two extra cfls shes in a 3 gallon pot. shes under 12/12 lighting im very confused.
strain is northern lights special. she stopped stretching at the start of week 4 anything I can do to get her to put on some weight or Is it just a waiting game at this point? View attachment 3719216 View attachment 3719218
not northern lights, it's a sativa. Your looking at 70 to 100 day stuff, needs nitrogen.
wow alright I left my computer for like 20 minutes now I have a ton of questions to answer. first im growing in miracle grow potting soil,i might have over fed her at one point may be the cause of the yellow leaves, the pot is about maybe 3 gallons, I don't ph my water yet lol I will if I get more into growing,and I use straight tap water which comes out at about 5.7 5.8 ph I tested it when I was breeding tropical fish a while back im assuming it should be about the same? I usually mix 1tbsp of rose food to 1 gallon of water, I hope I answered all of your questions
That's really acidic water.


Well-Known Member
I use straight tap water which comes out at about 5.7 5.8 ph I tested it when I was breeding tropical fish a while back im assuming it should be about the same?
No it's not always the same. In my area I get water from 2 different sources depending on time of year. Which will give a different ph.

That plant is definitely stavia. Slender leave s that don't touch are your cues to how much your plant leans sativa/indica. With all these crosses its good to be able to gauge how much it may stretch by guessing at sativa/ indica ratios in veg. Of course there is always exceptions.

If Your into enough to be asking on a cannabis forum, I think your into it enough to get the PH drop tester and some ph up/down. One less thing that could be the problem and you can cross off the list.

I think they look good considering you gotta big plant that wants to grow in a small pot. Up pot to 5 gal. a week before flip next time. And train tops down the first week or so of 12/12.
At this point Waiting is your best bet You got at least 5 weeks

Edit:see if you can find some nutes with less nitrogen


Well-Known Member
Big sativa in small pot = tiny buds
Big sativa with 150w light = tiny buds
The plant looks like it has/had some sort of deficiency/tox or lockout, anything odd going on that you've noticed?
Yip id say nitrogen def. No way near enough light.

Should have topped it earlier to bush it out.

With a small light. Your best to scrog.


Well-Known Member
What for?
If he's using miracle grow. With a 18:24:16(3:4:2.6) fert. Not phing the water. Isn't it more likely the is nitrogen being locked out rather than not being there?

The plant is going to flower when flipped no matter the nutes. Won't it get lanky with more N tho?


Well-Known Member
They look very over stretched from lack of light and probably other factors like fert ratio. May also guess that lack of light does not let them use up the neuts given so maybe toxicity sets in. Especially if they were on boxes then lowered when growing while you also kept stepping up neut strength, the lower and mid leaves won't be doing what they once were. Neut ratio from a lot of reading also suggests 3-1-3 is a better ratio, or even 1-1-1. Or, with soft water lacking calcium a 1-1-3 and then using cal nitrate that has 2-0-0 to bring back 3-1-3.

An uneducated suggestion would be to drop back to 1/4 feed at 6.5ph and keep it at that level due to the low lighting, regardless of what neut you decide to stick or twist with. Assuming this is not organics.


Well i wasn't to sure how often to feed because its rose food. why how often should i be feeding her?
Do a water and feed one day water it with water and nothing else then next watering use your rose stuff then next time water im sure it would have enjoyed that


Well-Known Member
It's nothing you are doing wrong. You've said you have grown bigger buds before.
It's the plant. It's just a plant that has grown like that. You could've put a trusted clone next to it and given it exactly the same treatment and it would have come out better. Assuming it was a decent clone.
Don't worry about it. Just try again with different/better seeds or clones if you can get clones.
Growing weed is as difficult or as easy as you want to make it. Don't over complicate it.
If it's a bad seed even the best grower in the world couldn't make it into good weed. If you've a decent clone or seed you can make a lot of mistakes and still get something good at the end. I see a lot of people trying to fix plants that are just bad plants and sometimes making it worse.
Seeds are a lottery especially if you are just growing one or two.
If you grow seeds and find something you really like you can always leave a bit on it after harvest and re veg it.
Good luck next time

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Firstly that's not northern lights lol. It mom and dad may have started out as a northern lights but they threw out a mutant sativa lol. As stated you need more light and some verticals would be nice midway down. Stop using the MG and try something else to see if it improves and yup you may be in for a long ride with this puppy but may be worth it ..... or not. Good luck! FYI I used to top dress with bone and blood meal and the girls loved it.