Week 7/8 flowering seed issue?! Good pics! Help!


Hello everyone. I am not much of a poster as I am a reader. I have read the majority of the hermie and pollination posts (all that I could find) that happen in the flowering. I apparently have what looks like nice little kernels forming all over my buds but when I pinch them, they're hard. After removing a few they apparently are very white/pearly underdeveloped seeds. They are clustered all over various buds. They are not bunching up at the node like a male/hermie plant, but rather infested threw my room. I have kept a really good eye throughout this whole grow. Very disappointed to find seeds after all this hard work. I am on day 55 So I suppose I should continue flushing and finish? Please help diagnose my problem people! Here are all my stats about the room/food to help.

10x8x10' room
2 Oscil fans run 24/7
Cap xgc-1 Controller (co2 infer red)
50lb co2 tank (used 3 or 4 thus far)
2 1000W sunsystem xxxl 6" hood
1 1000 digilux 1 hortilux eye
2 cap digi ballasts
lights are hooked up and vented
Fox farm ocean/ original planting mix / pro mix 4 (all mixed)
22Gallon trashcan pots, drilled lots of drain holes
2 phresh carbon filters
6 Stage Reverse Osmosis Water Filter used on every drop of their water.

6 Great White Shark (Greenhouse Fem)
1 Cole Train (DNA Gen Fem)
2 Arjans Haze # 3 (Greenhouse Fem)
1 Sharks Breath (DNA Gen Fem)

Advanced Nutrients Sensi 2 Part
Grow Part a
Grow Part b
Bloom Part a
Bloom Part b
also during flower
Carbo Load
Bud Candy

I test water regularly with EC,PPM,PH meters. PH is between 5.5 and 6.2 depending on the addatives. I water several times with pure 0PPM water between feedings. During feedings I just follow the label (4ml per L) give plants about 1L everyday maybe a little more. depending on how dry, etc....
now seeds grrrr...
here are a few pics from day 30 where I dont remember seeing seed formation to day 47 where I see seeds in the various buds.



It sounds like it got pollinated somehow, probably some hermi somewhere in your flower room. I would look for the yellow hermie bananas and pull them and do what you can to get as much weed as you can. I like to pull the entire area of the flower that the hermie bananas are sprouting from to get the whole thing so i dont have to come back. You might consider harvesting early, play it by ear as you see how much of the plants you are having to throw away. I would pull the seed clusters too just to keep them from sucking up energy that maybe would go to buds otherwise, but thats just my thinking and made up theories. You should also look into what caused your hermie problem and get rid of that.


Well-Known Member
a hermie in your room turned male late in flower prolly week 4 and pollinated the rest of your room. it happened to me on my first grow ever. but i caught him in time and harvested him. It was week 4 or week 5 when the male pollen sacks showed up. Now in days I grow clones only. It's the best way to prevent those kind of problems. You should start keeping mothers and cloning them.


Ill go back and look everything over really well again, but I could not find any signs of a hermie. However I have a theory it was one of the Arjans haze #3 because it looks the most seedy/ after pulling one of them off and pulling the shell off around it, you find a somewhat developed seed. not good..... I think that my 240W of extra light was hooked up to a timer that was doubling as my fan to cool the 1000's. It is possible those came on 30-40 min early for a week or so. I cant kick myself enough in the ass for that mistake, but did that do it? Should I keep this plant in here so I can make hash with it? Its looking thats what I am going to do with most of this. what a waste of energy this grow was! arrgh ... This is my first grow, so I guess I cant be to pissed... I think light poison got my crop. anyone else think differently from the pics? I have more pics I took last night. that I can post...