weigh in


Active Member
weighing the approprate ammouts how do i do that?
how much in a dime , quarter, 20 sack, 1/8? i need to know?
ok ill tell this newb since none of u dickheads will
Florida scales

all these measurments can very from dealer including prices
but were im from it should be no lower weight if anything higher
dude you coulda looked this up in a cooking book, or anythwere for that matter. wieght is wieght regardless of pot. an 8th of an ounce is always gonna be 3.5 grams. then u can just figure the rest out, from how much an 8th is in your area.
What's a good electronic scale to buy for under $100 (U.S. currency)? it needs to be accurate and have the 'tare' function. Could i get it online? any help is appreciated.

ebay...electronics scales.....

if your planning on selling spend the money to get a good scale.....if you come up short you are either going to have no biz or your going to have PISSED customers
You can type in google "1/4 oz equals grams" and it will tell you.

Also, a US Nickel is 5.0g, so you can compare.
ebay...electronics scales.....

if your planning on selling spend the money to get a good scale.....if you come up short you are either going to have no biz or your going to have PISSED customers

You don't need a good scale for weed.

All you need is one that weighs in grams. 0.1 or what ever who gives a fuck. Its not like coke where a tenths of a gram matter.
a gram is always the size of your thumb no matter whos thumb try it........scales are for proffesionals dont get 1 use your thumb lol