weighed my seed harvest to find amount O_o

aha, I will def. I got well over 200 SFV Og Kush seeds laying around why not have some fun...what to do what to do
Start going on hiking trails and bring your seeds with you. Plant them in good looking spots a little off the trail and remember where they are. or you could sprout your seeds first then do this, youll have a higher success rate. Check back whenever you feel like it :-o
hey CaliKid sen some beans my way :D HEHEHE 200 u got way to many lol , ok i start putting together small room for seed production :) , since i have no males it's going to be a long process :( , i order B.C God Bud , AK47 , normal beans so i grow my breeding stock lol , i'm thinking to order sativa strain , any suggestions? i was thinking maybe Jack Herrer , idk maybe u guys have good sativa strain in mind , what u guys think how many seeds i can expect of off one plant God Bud and AK47 ? i don't wanna cross breed them yet :D thats gonna be future project i would like to cross them with Jack Herrer ... hahahhahaha i would name them hmmmmm The God Jack .... and .... Herrer got AK run for ur lives hahahahhaha lol , i'm just messing around with names but eventually i cross them .
Hey cali are they feminized?

I wish they were, but it's all good because any males that pop up I'll remove and plant up in the mountains to harvest more seeds. I'm gonna guerilla grow next batch and try multiple different grow methods so I can perfect my grow(s).
jpeg u got alot of damn seeds. lol your better off than me. what u got planned ahead?

I have a lot of seeds and a whole collection of nutrients and additives and Bacteria.....DSCN3689.jpgDSCN3694.jpgDSCN3695.jpgDSCN3696.jpg

So I am going to be doing all kinds of side by side reviews and what not. Testing different mixtures and seeing what works best
soooo....i threw some seeds on my scale until it registered a gram and counted there were 33 seeds so lets just call it 30 seeds per gram roughly.

I weighed my filled up tube and i am sitting on 23 grams of seeds....that is 690 seeds.....even roughly that is still more than 600 seeds i cannot see a margin of error of more than 90 seeds....
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my other plant i have about 6 grams, 180 seeds but i am not done harvesting......

I had no clue i would have that many o_o wth am i gonna do with that many.....

Well....assume half are male still 300 usable females, and even more when i am done harvesting the other plant....i am sure i will have at least 1000 seeds if not more when i am done. Geeze..... Myabe next time i wont be see thorough when pollinating......

hook it up man!!! Lol soinds like some thorough pollination.. How long after you pollinated were the seeds ready?
damn buddy! Now THATS the kinda set up i want. Lookn like a damn mini hydro store lol. Did you buy all at once or have u been stockpiling for awhile?

I bought like 10% of that stuff. All the rest I got for free as samples at the indoor garden expos :)
There were 2 in California One in San Francisco and another in Long Beach. I went to both on Vendor day, not open public day
crack about a dozen each time and keep just the cream of the crop the rest get culled to keep only the best genetics going its selective breeding there are casualties , this is the part i like best refining what i have ,
jpegg send me some beans ,a sof now ive been ripped off twice in the past month,everything is up and ready to go BUT CANT GET BEANS this sucks dude ,any way good job,wish i was in ur boat.