weight? ahhh i didnt wannnna do it mannn

i know i know its the worst thing known to the growingman that cutting early is a sin! haa well on the other hand u gotta think about when somethings come in like mortgage, bills things like that u gotta do what u gotta do.

i havee to absolutly cut 8 plants

-3 nypd
-4 ice
-1 ak48

i am at week 4 right now and have until week 5.5 6 to cut
how much weight would i get off the 8 plants all cut that early..
i have cut an ice before at 5 weeks and swore i got 2.5 ounces.
any ideas anyone?

XS Brain

Active Member
You couldn't pay me to cut mine early. I even bought huge boxes to move them in. Not worth it at all in my opinion. Borrow some money or work the Craigslist is my advice. Well worth the weight, and wait. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
desperate times call for desperate measures. I think he knows his situation better than we do.
hahaha i loved the big box comment.. id do it if i had a place to keep them, i really know the true answer... DONT DO IT!! but the situation has to be done so my question is if anyone has seen for themselves or had somone cut early. and what was weight like? there around 4 feet tall, with nice colas and the budding sites are slowly getting bigger to about the size of ur pointing finger and thumb making an O.. keep on for the posts!! haaaa even smart ass ones... give me a nice laugh i NEED it.


Well-Known Member
I cut early because of a hermie at one point, and the yield was pathetic. Potency sucked too, ended up putting it to butane for oil.