nope not a PH problem,,were these clones,,if so were they from a flowering clone,,,The top leaves on last pic show smooth edges,,this only occurs from what I have seen and know when you go from flower back to veg,,you will end up with some very strange growth,,,but that is the only time I ever see the edges of cannabis leaves that are smooth and round,,which is completely normal if it is from a flowering clone,,and is now rooted and in veg,,will do for a few weeks then will have normal leaves again of what you would expect to see on a plant,,,,,If it is a seed plant & indoor ,,it has tried to go into flower and is going back to veg,,another sign of this in my opinion would be second picture from the bottom,,,you see leaves the stretch out and then bend left or right at the end,,also a sign of a plant that has tried to go in flower,,,or been in flower and now back to vegg,,will make bent leaves crinkled leaves ,,strange growth,,some growers do this on purpose,,as it creates many uprights ,,instead of one cola bud youd may have 7-8 or more main stalks from this type of growth ,,I regen plants,,we flower cut them down and I bring them back ,,,works most times some won't re veg ,,some will but them round leaves say that plant tried to flower at some point,,,These plants are very single minded,,they want to vegg or they want to flower,,your plants look fine the look good your leaves will look normal in 2 weeks times ,,it may seem like they stop growing vertical for a week or so but they should be fine,,will ad a pic of reveg so you can see the leaves