Weird leaf development, pics inside


New Member
Hi could someone please tell me what is up with these plants?

They are 20 days from when they first broke soil and appeared above ground.

The second leaf set never grew in properly on all the plants, in effect they sort of self topped themselves. With new growth coming from the sideshoots instead.

Were started off in john innes no1 for first 2 weeks under 110w flourescent light.

Repotted into 11litre pots of john innes no2 at 2 weeks and placed under 400w hps for 4 days.

HPS was turned up to 600w 2 days ago.

Fed plain tap water.

Strains are barneys pineapple chunk and sin trabajo (both autoflowering)

Max temperature 78, minimum temperature at lights off 65

Plenty of airflow

Grew very successfully with 250w cfl in a closet for a few years with autoflowers using only miracle grow soil, no nutrients, and an oscillating fan as only ventilation. Usually grew 3 plants and got 3oz each time.

Took a break for a good while and tried again using proper equipment. First grow was 3 bagseed plants,they hermied and were chopped early. Got about 2 and a half oz

Second grow 6 feminised photoperiods using biocanna nutes and bioterra soil. Soil infested with fungus gnats. (from the bag) Great soil but really not impressed with the gnats in it. No reply from canna about their soil issues. Chopped early due to a number of plants hermieing and aphid infestation as well as gnats making roots sick. Total yield about 5oz

Third grow using mix of autos and feminised photoperiods, same soil and nutes but with
Bacillus thuringiensis to keep them under control and insect filters over fan intakes.
Chopped very early due to gnat larvae eating root systems on most seedlings before they could develop properly, remaining plants stunted and ended up infested with white creatures coming out of the soil. Ended up with only half oz.

Grow area was bleached and washed down carefully between grows to make sure no residual bugs left.

This is attempt 4 and using john innes garden centre soil instead of the bioterra. No bugs spotted so far but all plants have this weird leaf growth, some worse than others. Something interesting I noticed is house is a very old building, had the roof insulated after successful cfl grows but before the current run of failed hps grows and this has caused damp and mould problems on some walls and around windows etc. Since the house was insulated and damp problem was noticed the plant root systems have all been rather poor when checked after harvest and when repotting. Soil usually falls apart when repotting instead of being held together by nice tight root mass like it used to be. Plants also growing much slower than before building was insulated. Wondering if there could be any spores or nasties in the air caused by damp that are causing issues for the plants? Never had any rot or mould issues with the plants and buds themselves.



Well-Known Member
looks like there's no nutrients in that soil. can you remove the plant and some of that soil to save the roots and transplant into a different soil, like foxfarm ocean forest?


New Member
There is nutrients in the soil, supposedly enough for 4-5 weeks worth of growth. They were watered in with a weak dose of biocanna vega when transplanted.

There are 3 types of the soil. no1 for seedlings very lightly fertilised , used that after germination and repotted when plants were looking hungry. no 2 for potting up (with more fertiliser) combined with light feeds shoud see them though to beginning of flower. Then biocanna flores to feed them with.

Theres also no3 which contains high strength stuff for mature plants but never use that for growing weed.

The no1 seedling mix had good drainage, not sure what this no2 one is like yet.

unfortuantely no decent soil is available in my area. there is a bag of bioterra left but no way that bug infested crap is going anywhere near these plants. I can start feeding with the biocanna nutes every watering now however.

The colour balance is poor in those pics. Plants are a deeper green in real life (but not much darker)

I didnt realise that underfeeding caused that funky wrinkly growth, the leaves are kind of half the length they should be with rounded ends instead if finished in pointed tips. Looks kinda cool.


Well-Known Member
I might be wrong, but something about your soil just doesn't look right. Maybe it's the coloration from the photo?


New Member
I see what you mean it looks like cement in that photo. Have attached a pic closer to what it really looks like. Its nice enough stuff, have grown veggietables with it before.



Well-Known Member
I see what you mean it looks like cement in that photo. Have attached a pic closer to what it really looks like. Its nice enough stuff, have grown veggietables with it before.
That looks a little better. That other photo just screamed bad bad bad.
This is fresh soil right, not used to grow anything else?


Well-Known Member
I see what you mean it looks like cement in that photo. Have attached a pic closer to what it really looks like. Its nice enough stuff, have grown veggietables with it before.
I`d still mix 20 to 40% perlite in with it and top dress with a thick layer of perlite to keep bugs out


New Member
yup fresh soil. I really hope theres no nasty bugs in it, shall be vigilant and keep a very close eye on them. Guess the ph should be checked too. The ph is not something I normally think about or bother with. Will an inch of sand work as a top dressing? Perlite is expensive, sand is free