Weird leaves on plant PLZ HELP!

Planted a good seed i had from one of my last bags. started it out under a fluorescent till about 3 inches tall then transplanted to bigger pot. It is now under a 1000 w hps light with fans in the room. the temp stays at 90 and it get water properly. the light cycle right now is 18/6 and it is growing at a great rate. the leaves and stem/stalk have ALOT of crystals on them. BUT the leaves look weird, almost to the point where im wondering if it is even cannabis. Please help me. any information will be greatly appreciated.​


wow ive never seen anything like it!
almost doesnt even look like a marijuana plant..
i do see the crystals u talk about tho...

but 90 degrees is WAY to high
I know it doesnt look like marijuana, but i got the seed from some sour bubble i had. and the temp is at 90 beacuse of the light. thats with two fans running in there. but they are able to grow at that temp.


Active Member
^almost doesn't look like? LOL
I have not once EVER seen something like that. wow what the hell lol sorry I don't mean to laugh but that thing is obviously fucked up somehow. 90 degrees is pretty hot for plants from what I've been told, so you may want to work on that first, and as for that plant....I would say start new ones. You should totally keep it around and see what it does, but definitley get some others going too, especially if you have that much light...


Active Member
That or the genetics were just plain and simple "not good". What kind of soil is that it looks pretty mulchy. I honestly couldn't give you a "Definite" answer on why the plant is like that so I wont say more, but you should totally restart with some newer ones. Experience teaches all.


Well-Known Member
dude thats like a watermelon or some shit.. are you serious. If you are serious.. sorry for being harsh, and i think you got a weed seed from outside in your dirt. it happens

Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
That is a some kind of weed (not cannabis), it grows in my backyard like crazy, i am always digging them up and they always come back. Anyone know what it's called?


Well-Known Member
90deg is hot but it sure does not fuckd up your plant, i am growing outdoors in a tropical climate condition where it really gets freakin hot and i dont see how it would f ur plant