weird looking spots on leaves, marbling light patches.


Well-Known Member
This started to appear after switching to RO, but only on one strain.
I've started adding cal-mag, and the problem is lessening... but still visible on new growth. any guesses.DSC01506cal-def.jpgDSC01504cal-def.jpg


Well-Known Member
I believe this is the tobacco mosaic virus. Anyone have experience with this? how doomed is my room?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
It's not a virus, it's Phosphorus deficiency. You see how some of the leaf blades have most of the damage on only one side? That's caused by P def. Make sure of your soil pH is correct and feed them a ratio around 3-5-2.


Well-Known Member
Man, I hope your right. I've been giving a little extra bloom in the hydro mix, and not seeing any change. Plant seems to be growing just fine, but even the new growth is patterned like this. but I hope your right...

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Just double check your pH's; the soil & the liquids you give it. Of all the macronutrients, Phosphorus is the most easily locked out by incorrect pH.


Well-Known Member
pH? If you need P or K raise pH to 6.0-6.3. It will also help the ca/mg do it's job. P deficiency usually has purple leaves as it's signature, but it's not to say it isn't happening. If Mother's Finest has had this issue personally, he may be the best advice. You can always add something to give it more vigor, give it things like humic/fulvic acid, carbon, carbohydrates, and silica and they will be happy happy girls.


Well-Known Member
DSC01583virus.....maybe not.jpgI Check PH daily, and keep it around 5.8.
This showed up the first time after making the switch to RO water. I started adding cal mag at about 3ml to the gallon, but still have weird streaks.
I followed the advice of mothers finest, and bumped up the P levels.
The plants that just moved to bloom a week ago have clean leaves as new growth. The one that is still in veg is cleaning up as well.
I'm not sure that it was the P, because I also changed nute brands and add 25% tap water back to the mix.

In line with Mother's advice, my new growth in the bloom room has green stems attaching to leaves. the problem leaves had some red in the stems, suggesting P deficiency.

Thanks MF:clap:


Active Member
Mmmm so much to understand am I to check the ph of the soil on a regurlar basis ? Some of my girls have some of this spotting and some have red steams Been useing Fox Farms exculusively and mix with filtered water in a 7 gallon container but pretend its only holding 6 gal. Also what is RO water? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
RO is reverse osmosis water. its so pure that it has no trace minerals, like cacium iron, magnesium, etc.
Its been suggested that most nute companies expect the user to use tap water, and have some calcium and magnesuim to start with.
If you use RO water, you may need to add some CAL/Mag or add some tap water.


Well-Known Member
Mmmm so much to understand am I to check the ph of the soil on a regurlar basis ? Some of my girls have some of this spotting and some have red steams Been useing Fox Farms exculusively and mix with filtered water in a 7 gallon container but pretend its only holding 6 gal. Also what is RO water? Thanks in advance
Cawley, keep in mind I'm not using soil. Your PH will be different for dirt, and you don't need to check everyday like with hydro.