Weird plant issue popped up after upped nutes?


Active Member
plants are in there 4th week of veg right now, house and garden nutes i am only using 30% of the recommended asked for 275ml i am useing 82.5ml per 100liters

as you see the leaves are getting light colored in the middles of the leaf

any ideas?

ph is kept at 5.8
ppm is 1200 (h&g asks for 1240 max
water is hard 520ppm
adding the 30% nutes bring me to 1200ppm
light is 1000w mh kept about 18 inches from tops and off to the side..not directly under them..plants are apprx 11-12 inches tall
temps been 75 lowest to 80 max
humidity is been staying 30% pretty consistent
any ideas?



Active Member
Should I add another 5 gallon of water to dillute it you think? thanks currently 25 gallons in my res

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
That sounds like a reasonable thing to do.

But I'm not a hydroponic grower so someone else may have some better advice.


Well-Known Member
second pic does look like nute burn. However your first pic shows signs of a nitrogen deficiency. Red stem and the yellowing of the leaves.

Your water is pretty damn hard... 500ppm is really high, try mixing with distilled or RO water. You should back off your nutes a little as your plant is still small, maybe around 800ppm with a little more nitrogen. Increasing your humidity to around 40% - 50% might help also.


Active Member
how can i increase the nitrogen? humidity i tried to raise but havnt been able in michigan and this dry heat is terrible inside the nutes i should drop back down to 20% then ill try


Well-Known Member
Get a cool humidifier You should be able to find one for under $20. As for nitrogen what line of nutes are you using?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that it's not a N def. since you have that level of nute burn.

The purple stems that someone mentioned is just a genetic trait in some strains.

If you keep pushing the limits with your nutes, you're going to creating more problems.

Many times the manufacturers recommended PPM's a too hot for many plants.

Listen to your plant, and not so much the labels and you'll have a healthier crop.

Good luck.