Weird Scenario. Help Would Be Awesome!


Well-Known Member
Soo.. I have these girls that are about 27-28 days in from seed. I have had a few challenges along the way that have ended me off here and looking for help.

I have a 2x2 dr 60 tent, 2 fans in/out 240 cfm a piece..a 4 inch odor sock on the exhuast and 12 30 watt cfl daylight and 1x85 cfl red spectrum. I am in dirt right now.DSC00879.jpgDSC00880.jpgDSC00881.jpgDSC00878.jpg
During the last 3 weeks iv had to repot them 3 times, once from a shared pot with 2 or three others. during this time i noticed an yellowing and figured it out that they needed their own i did it...
i lost 1 plant in the proses. a couple are looking pretty good right now but a couple are looking rough.
i started out with miracle grow. and i have some in there now..and i cant repot again.
I just need to get through veg so i can sex them, and get a dome full of clippings so i can put them in the bubbler.
any ideas would be great.


Well-Known Member
right now nothing put they just got put in new miricle grow nutrient soil......i also have some miricle grow liquid nutes right now if need to use it but right now im not putting anything. should i?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what Miracle Grow Nutrient Soil is, I use Miracle Grow Seed Starting Potting Mix and I've used their Organic Soil before. Without knowing anything about the MG nutrients you have I can't give you much advise on it. I say pick up some Worm Casting tea and spray the leaves once a week. That will provide your plant with some nitrogen. The worm tea should be around 1-0-0 NPK.


Active Member
12 x 30watt cfl's .... IMO thats a little messy ..... I would use 1 or 2 of the larger CFL's. (125w or 250w) Im sure youve chosen the right setup for YOU.



Well-Known Member
:clap:I always look at the pic's first:lol:Before I read your post I knew you had it in Miracle Gro:hump:Which one you have it in:?:You can't use regular old miracle gro:sleep:I heard they try to use Miracle Gro Organic:wall:Good Luck:lol:I wouldn't mess with it:lol: