Weird scenario , how exactly does lighting work?


Active Member
Hey not the most active on here however try and take a peak from time to time.

Threw my travels ive started to notice alot of things however i recently came across something that has me puzzled.

Well we all know the ladies love the sunshine , so we try and help them out the more the better :-P

However recently i saw something very strange at a friends grow, he has a bigish setup, 1200 hps, in a small 6x6 area, on his last run , he had his big plants directly under the lights , they where horizontal (2x600 hps), he decided to throw some small cutting in around to fill in the side, not expecting much , at worst extra scraps for hash.

Well long story short these small plants atleast bare min 3ft-4ft away from any lighting , and none of them where placed directly under the lights just on the out skirts. Well the buds that ended up coming off the small plants where some of the most fulled out , large dense buds i've ever seen. Even the big buds off the big plants that where directly under the lights , sure they where nice however they where not even in the same league imo as the buds on the smaller plant, if you take looks /density into the equation.

They where all the same cutting from the same mum , grown in the exact same dwc system.

Just wondering if anyone has had anything similar ?


Well-Known Member
That is interesting, it may be possible that shorter plants may yield denser buds because there is just less foliage for the plant to grow and maintain, just a thought, Although the root masses of the small plants were probably much smaller than the larger plant in the middle too, i have no idea. I have a hard time thinking that less light=denser buds though, i don't know anyone else?


That is interesting, it may be possible that shorter plants may yield denser buds because there is just less foliage for the plant to grow and maintain, just a thought, Although the root masses of the small plants were probably much smaller than the larger plant in the middle too, i have no idea. I have a hard time thinking that less light=denser buds though, i don't know anyone else?
My guess is those buds got fluffed out due to lack of light and only looked "bigger" but were not denser. He could of also had the 1200w too close causing the buds in the middle to be shrimpy.


Well-Known Member
what were the temps like? this is just a guess but if the middle was hotter due to being closer to the light the buds could have become fluffy and the buds on the sides which have cooler temps were more dense


Active Member
thnx for getting back ppl.

The buds on the little plant where deffo bigger and denser, there wasn't even a competition. You couldnt even squeeze the stuff .


Active Member
You might be on to something there my good friend.

The temps did get a bit warm from time to time , and the meter was on the wall not directly under the lights , so it would have been even hotter.

Think this may have been one of the bigger causes now that i think about it.


Active Member
Another thing i was just thinking, possible the little guys were getting more airflow? I know that our ladies love oxygen under their leaves, maybe they could breath more?