@NoucheBag : Drying - 45-55% H and 65-75 F, no light, fan circulating air around but not on buds, until the stem no longer bends (or till it "snaps"). That will not take 3 days, more like 7-10 days. So what you're curing is super wet. You should definitely read up on how to cure w/ glass mason jars. Google it and read one of the older articles (w/ the shitty 90's webpage style) they won't lead you wrong. If your buds smell like Ammonia when you burp them (I burp for 40 minutes twice a day man) then you're shit is too wet and you need to just dry it out; otherwise, keep on keepin on (in glass!) - I don't use a hygrometer.... and maybe it would benefit me, but I cure my buds very well w/o one so I don't have one.
-- TIP --
When curing in mason jars. Flip the flat metal lid of the screw-on top upside down; this creates a slight bit of ventilation in the jar so they're not 100% sealed in.