Weird white/light specs days before harvest


Hi there,

I'm entering the final week of flower and noticed these strange specs on some of the lower branches. It hasn't affected the whole plant, just a specific area, and seems to be spreading onto the adjacent branches.

Does anyone know what this is? I have had some issues with caterpillars and an extremely brief strunt with PM, but not in this area.

Should I be worried about the harvest? I could remove the affected branches early and let the rest of the past finish.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, much love,IMG-0473 - Copy.jpgIMG-0474 - Copy.jpg and thank you in advance!
Do you see the little strand of web and the little egg looking specs? I would remove the most affected foliage, spray with isopropyl water and follow up with insecticidal soap(carefully) looks like bugs
Mites. Always at least change clothes before entering an indoor grow. Even better take a shower first. Pain in the ass sometimes but way easier than battling bugs
DO NOT SPRAY YOUR PLANTS as suggested above.
You have 1 week to go as you say...I'd ride it out with cleaning around the grow area and leaves only until harvest.
If you spray the buds they will wither and die.
Thank you all for your advice, as I am only a few days from Harvest, I'm planning on letting it ride (while cleaning and removing as much of the infected parts as possible) and once chopped down, plan on washing the buds thoroughly before hanging to dry in hopes of removing some of the mites.

I, unfortunately, have some babies in the same room, I have completely quarantined them from the space and plan on cleaning the leafs and doing a 100% top to bottom scrubbing of the room, but are there any other precautions I should take to make sure the babies are free of mites?

Thank you again for all your help, I am a relatively new grower so just trying to learn as much as I can from this to hopefully avoid it in the future.

I've learned a very important rule, never take outdoor plants inside.